Of course he shared porn and BDSM. Is anyone still surprised by this? Unless you're asleep or not paying attention, that is.

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*Or only consume leftie media, who bury the F out of stories like these.

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At least there was still the possibility of citizen journalism and activism on the internet. With these cry-bullies using their magical victim status to police social media we are losing even that ability to reach pubic viewership.

The "Esafety" commission is now being used as a PC enforcement hired-goon. All while the pro-Gaza activists behave aggressively and get away with public support for terrorist organisations. This is suicidal tolerance.

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Please stop lumping these two issues together. You will make it difficult for those who are anti-genocide and anti-gender ideology to join forces with you. These are not the same issue. Hitching them together is the same tactic that has been used by the USA’s Democratic Party to try to force generally economically left people to support gender ideology, with the results we just saw (and which I had to assist, back burnering certain concerns to stop the ideology takeover).

Again: these may both offend you, and may have what seems to you to be 3rd order similarity in aspects such as general deportment, but they are not the same issue. Please separate them, and deal with gender ideology in a focused manner. It will be much easier to attract and keep the long tail support that is needed.


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Nov 28
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The Memory Hole is has become real.

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Thanks Genevieve, it must be so difficult trolling through this bilge (although so important to continue to keep us informed & keep the receipts)!

The lunatics really have taken over the asylum here. If the Australian Medical Association considers this ok and is actively promoting it (& punishing those who speak out), it should, IMHO, be disbanded! 😤

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So, how do these men keep their jobs after posting disgusting porn. The lawyer needs to be exposed, maybe someone send this to the Aus media and the Aus law society. Unhinged individuals, if you think how educators and psychologists are battling with the effects porn is having on young people and trying to get parents to be on high alert , we as a society turn a blind eye and allow people who promote their fetishisation carry on on their roles. It’s all BS right !!!

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I just can’t even. How can this fetishist be a fit and proper person to be admitted by our Supreme Court as a solicitor? Wtah. And he’s a lactation fetishist to boot. Glad no children in sight.

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They're rising out of their dark dungeons where they've been active for ever, in elite kind of ways. Now gunning for mainstream it seems, and f*cking succeeding. Smooth creepy operating manipulators, the lot of them! Be safe sister.

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How do we get rid of him?

Who regulates the regulators?

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Why is this movement still so strong in Australia and the US, despite being walked back in Europe?

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The old saying goes, Australia is usually two years behind the US in terms of trends. Since the invention of the internet that's probably slimmed down considerably but I feel like with regards to issues like this it's still behind.

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Thanks for exposing this miscreant. There are no words except to say he has plenty of fetish pals in the medical profession in the US. God help women and children that interact with them all. None of them are safe as long as they are permitted to play out their fetishes in public.

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Who are the people in power in the AMA and politics who have allowed this to fester and spread like the black plague, and who are the lunatic citizens supporting these deranged males ramming this stuff down everyone's throats?

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Up until recently the President of the AMA was Steve Robson, a staunch LGBTIQ+ ally. I have heard him interviewed on ABC radio.

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Misogynists and pedos in high places.

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Thanks Genevieve.

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Hi Genevieve, thanks for posting this. There are close parallels with an article I wrote covering Operation Spanner and the Liberty Five in the UK: https://genspect.substack.com/p/gender-affirming-care-is-a-social

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Who are the most devoted acolytes of the sacred caste of AGPs? The Aussie left? Canadian left? American left? There are so many strong candidates these days...

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I had to stop reading.

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Do the people who force this stuff with public money not see what they are doing? It should be illegal. THEY should be illegal!

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F*cking weirdos, and the ones who put them in positions of influence too.

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Australia has gone off the rails. What a degenerate nation.

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We are not degenerate - we are victims of our own naive good will due to believing that counterparties will reciprocate with the same. The fences that previously separated private indulgence and public propriety have been torn down in the name of "inclusion" - a kind of moral libertarianism.

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