God I’m so completely sick of the pornogrification of everything- so much talk about sexual stuff in news, at work at school, at the pub. Grotty sick friendless men wanking up a storm In their parents’ basement. Makes me want to puke.

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You know how many women and girls watch porn? You'd be surprised.

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Your observation around becoming the object of desire, itself reinforced through pornography obsession is very relevant I think. This is a broader sense to thinking about AGP, erotic mislearning that includes the environmental feedback loop, so is a richer account. Thanks for your work.

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This person needs to be locked up in a mental hospital.

I have to go boil my brain in bleach now.

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I've thought about it a lot and I've decided I just don't like this kind of thing at all. In fact I am against it.

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It should be illegal.

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I don't think there is a way to make this kind of thing illegal. It's horrible and sinister, but I can't imagine a way to make it illegal that would not violate civil liberties.

What we can do is repeat, over and over again, that this is a significant motivator for men who identity as women and to insist that people stop pretending these motives are absent or rude and unmentionable.

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I think you’re right that it can’t be illegal, but it’s horrifying and these men really need to be in asylum. They’re obviously insane.

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yeah or at least some kind of public messaging about the harms of pornbrain. for example: it’s not illegal to be an alcoholic, if you don’t wreck your car or get in public fights the authorities are not going to intervene in your life no matter how much vodka you cart home from the store each week. But we definitely have a tremendous amount of public messaging about how alcoholism is bad for you and for others, we don’t pretend it DOESN’T EXIST or is NOBODY’S BUSINESS.

But the idea that being neck-deep in so much depraved content that you’ve lost touch with decency: oh heaven forfend anyone should say anything PRUDISH. Or that we should ASSUME IT’S ALL MEN (even though it is all men) and direct “consider reforming yourself” messaging toward them.

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Good comparison! And yay to kink shaming.

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You have any idea how many women are into this "kink" stuff? I have to turn them down all the time because they're too sick and weird for me, and I'm a pervert myself LOL.

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B.S. troll

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There is Culturereframed.org (with Gail Dines) though that's mainly aimed at countering the effects of porn culture on children. But reach them early and maybe they won't grow up to be depraved adults. Not sure if that org makes a connection between transgenderism and porn though. Also how many people have even heard of CultureReframed or any other critiques of pornography? American social and business pressure crashed the late 20th century feminist movement against pornography. Leftist men and their handmaidens, save us from their "good" intentions (save us from right-wingers too, but that's a different discussion, I guess).

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yes the sex industry pressure is tremendous and somehow leftists cannot see it even when they could when it was, say, cigarette companies insisting their product was harmless and paying for media support. Porn is a public health emergency but it's treated like private nunya business.

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Good luck proving it's a public health emergency. Please come with peer reviewed studies to prove it.

It's creating an epidemic of kinky and perverted sex, sure, but from the male POV that's not really a bad thing.

What's your critique of porn? It's creating trannyism? It's making rough sex more popular?

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Problem being epidemic porn use among females, especially teenage girls and young women. And even older women seem to have watched quite a bit of it judging by their sexual tastes.

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Well, blah, blah, blah!

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Well, no, they are increasing and getting exactly what they one, so not insane.

It's hard because we don't have words for this, but please know that "insanity" is the ploy most use when trying to not be convicted of murder.

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They're not nuts or crazy or disordered, probably. They just seem like it because they're so fucking weird.

I think what a lot of them are is SICK. And that's a lot different from being nuts or crazy. Apples and oranges. Otherwise known as FUCKED IN THE HEAD.

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Won't work. We can't even lock up raving schizophrenics wandering our streets. These men don't seem to have a real healthy sexuality going on though. Ok maybe they can't help the autogynephilia, but the infantalizing thing? They had no choice? Color me dubious.

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That's rather an interesting statement considering how many illegal things society and humanity has been forced to accept these days. Censorship is rampant. It's illegal. Most wars are faked to siphon from the Treasury, also illegal. The list is long. If the controllers wanted to stop this (they don't, they're behind it all), they could. They locked us down for 2 years.

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Okay, write the legislation. "no one is allowed to take creepy gross sexual photos of themselves". Does that sound workable to you? I can totally see workable legislation about pornography involving *other people*, Dworkin and McKinnon wrote smart stuff about this about how pornography is not speech because it involves risk and harm to the people doing the actual acts.

However. There are hard cases: what if someone writes or draws super horrible accounts of child sex abuse? I would love to push that person right into a volcano, but I don't see a way to actually write workable real-world legislation about it. You can't even say this creepy dude is engaged in self-harm. He is happy as a clam. He is degrading the social universe, sure, and that's super bad. But sometimes the only workable response is shunning and condemnation, not the law. I don't see how you could arrest this guy for what he is up to, even though what he is up to is awful.

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Appallingly, MacKinnon is now a true TRANS supporter and we don't know what Dworkin would have said about transgenderism.

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Actually the FBI just arrested the guy behind the popular erotica site Mr. (some letter of the alphabet). It was full of sex stories, but there was a HEAVY emphasis on pedo stuff and even torture, snuff, etc. Weird thing was there were all sorts of female authors on there, some of them writing the worst stuff. They used to have author biographies and a number of them were just these harmless looking housewife types in their 40's. I'm not getting it unless it's catharsis.

Even the porn legislation hasn't gone anywhere. If you can't shut down Facial Abuse and related websites, what can you shut down?

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They aren't actually "female" authors.

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Nice sidestep.

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It helps if you understand that everything that is "legal" in our system is imposed from above. We THOUGHT we lived in a nation of laws. It has become apparent that is not the case, and never has been.

So, my point is, you are getting tangled in the weeds they have planted. If you look at the situation again, I think you will see any attempt to use logic, the rule of law, etc. is just the system convincing us to not do anything.

We got locked down for 2 years. It didn't seem to matter one bit that it was entirely illegal. So, knowing that, I'm not sure why you remain a "believer" in the system and that somehow writing real "workable" anything is going to change this situation.

What will change this situation is us stopping these situations. Some things need to be outlawed. That is a true statement. So, change will be when All of us. Together. Take a stand. And we don't need a rule book or roadmap or legislation for that.

PS there is nothing worse than degrading the social universe. That's what has brought our world to the state it's in now, and it's why we have the 10 commandments, the golden rule, etc., all of which have been swept away, just like our constitution, the Bill of Rights ... get it?

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I’m not sure what you mean? Can you please explain ?

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You can't make it illegal for him To dress that way BUT surely the websites should be illegal for minors and be monitored for paedos

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There are probably way too many men like this to monitor. 3.3 million adult men in the YS are primary pedophiles. Have fun monitoring all of them. Though I think they should all have a therapist to keep from offending.

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You’re right. You can’t make it illegal.

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Good lord.

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I remember reading the famous French writer Jean Genet's biographical notes where he cited being abused while growing up in a catholic orphanage. He not only adapted to the abuse, but it became associated with sexual pleasure for him. For example, when he was spit on he would become sexually aroused. Or reflection, probably sado-masochism was forced on the children by the priests and some of the groomed children succumbed. At the time I thought this behavior was so unlikely and bizarre- now I see it can be spread on easily. Jean Genet wrote the preface for George Jackson's book Soladad Brothers in which Jackson states that women should never be allowed to express an opinion, but must listen quietly to men. George Jackson, the much-admired "revolutionary" also posited that in his utopia any woman who wasn't able to get married should serve men as a prostitute. See Paris Review 2015 Max Nelson and The New Yorker, Jeffrey Toobin 2014 This is My Jail.

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Terrible attitudes those men had.

They asked one of those Black radicals what the place of women was in the movement and he said, "Prone." My mother liked to quote that.

Yeah it can spread. We seem to be creating a whole generation of female masochists.

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When you "like" the article not because you like it (there's nothing to like except how insightful your points are - the topic is horrific), but because it's important that people see and read this stuff!

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True, but just having a like with a ❤️ is so much better than the options of 😂 and 😡 which people use to mock and anger others

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These perversions are so sick, and sickening. And the idea that there's a whole industry making big money off it, adds to how sick it is.

I keep thinking that this has probably all happened before, in advanced civilisations that succumbed to extreme individualism, narcissism and self-indulgence as decadence set in.

And it's difficult not to associate it, in our own historical time, with the legalisation and normalisation of homosexuality, as the magic key to opening the door to let out every form of sexual deviance under the sun, all clamoring to be normalised: not just the T exploiting the success of the LGB.

Dr "Christina" Richards justifying "ageplay" unconvincingly disclaims any connection to paedophilia.

But this time it's all given rocket boosters by the internet: and by outfits like WPATH linking to Eunuch websites, and proclaiming "Eunuch identity" for kids -- how sick can you get: when the lunatics have taken over the asylum.

And could this be why homosexuality is unacceptable in so many cultures? Not so much in itself, but for all that its social acceptance has previously unleashed in its train?

With women and children, as usual, most at risk from exploitative and narcissistic men. What's new.

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Disagree. I don’t find it difficult at all to make the distinction between homosexuality and child pornography.

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Tragically there is indeed a link between male homosexuality and child porn and pedophilia. Gay men are 13X more likely to be child molesters than straight men.

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Don’t believe you can link to any reliable authority for this assertion.

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It’s pretty simple really. No more than 3% of men are gay. And 39% of the victims of child molestation are boys.

The figure is uncontroversial to everyone except you. Even the people who hate this argument and argue that gay men are no more likely to be pedo accept those figures as correct. They have a really lame ass Woketard argument they use to make their case.

You need to read more. All of you do.

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So you don’t have any authority. Got it.

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Historically, when gay men have become very prominent, open, and obvious, this has tended to be associated with a period of decadence or cultural decline. Camille Paglia has mentioned this.

PS Paglia is now “trans.” She was just an obvious ordinary lesbian for the longest time. But now that lesbianism is passé and being trans is all the rage, so many women who would be ordinary lesbians in a saner era are deciding that they are “trans” instead.

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Whaaat? Camille Paglia is now trans??!!@%$&*

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Correct. She openly identifies as trans. She’s always just been a lesbian. She’s a lot more butch now too.

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She still asserts that sex is immutable and trans is a lifestyle.

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Um. You think “butch” is the same thing as “trans”?

Here’s Camille Paglia on trans:

“The cold biological truth is that sex changes are impossible. Every single cell of the human body remains coded with one's birth gender for life. Intersex ambiguities can occur, but they are developmental anomalies that represent a tiny proportion of all human births.” (Washington Examiner, 2017)

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Butch the same as trans? You think I’m stupid? Of course it’s not the same thing. All I know is I saw an interview with her a while back and she identified as trans now.

I never thought she was all that butch actually but in the photo I’m that article she was butch as Hell, way more than she used to be. It wasn’t very attractive TBH.

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DDLG is pretty sick. The guy's just a run of the mill sadist playing into a pedo kink. The girl isn't just a teenage girl. Hell, that would be NORMAL. She is a LITTLE girl. Seriously. Like real little. And when she goes into "little" mode she completely regresses and acts like a little girl, baby talk, crawling on the floor, sucking her thumb, the whole nine yards. I think it's bullshit personally.

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Thank you for continuing to expose this depravity. It will help people realize the horrific dangers of gender ideology.

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Paraphilias run together. Where you find one, you may well find others.

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We’re doomed.

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If we do not stop this -- whatever it takes -- we will deserve all the suffering, punishment and self-loathing that will surely follow. In other words, we ain't seen nothing yet.

Our politicians will not stop it, the courts and judges will not stop it, our schools and teachers will not help to stop it. On the contrary, they are enabling it, protecting it as civil rights, and even calling for it to be publicly celebrated with holidays and parades.

There are no institutions behind us in this battle to save our civilization. We have only one another.

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It's the sort of thing where you all have to work up enough collective outrage to make this sort of thing socially unacceptable.

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Sick pervert. But there always have been perverts, now are more exposed due to the social media. My bigger concern are medical specialists, who disgrace the meaning of the profession, and are capable of doing harm for money. Or they became the same perverts, similar to this one.

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I just want to warn everyone that the reasonable response to this and similar trans cult horrors is that they are "sick" or "insane." Well, no, since they are getting what they want, and most importantly, that is exactly what they say when they've been caught after murdering women who say no to them. It is their main ploy to get released, so spread the word and please don't help them. (David Warfield/Dana Rivers, the white man who murdered an interracial Lesbian couple and their son and is now is in a women's prison, assaulting women, is using the "insanity" plea.

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Society has encouraged identification through sexual activity. There is nothing even noteworthy about this person other than their fetish and how that is played out. Humans aren’t acknowledged for skill or intellect or wisdom as a part of a larger picture. Society has decided that who you want to bang is the only thing that matters. And everyone just plays along. And this is the natural progression of that worldview. It’s so shallow and dank.

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Just another degenerate flaunting his autopedophilia (an Erotic Target Identity Inversion paraphilia or ETII) for other perverts to enjoy.

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