While the article is spot on - including the necessary pointing out that "puberty blockers" are no such thing - I disagree with the attribution of male paraphilia being the root of gender ideology.

While practitioners of kink (& worse) have certainly gained elbow room to flourish in this athmosphere I don't see how they was present at the birth of the ideological movement. They are fellow travellers - because their train is going to the same destination - not because they boarded it together at the start.

Perverts have always been around but their enabling ideology is new. It is an embarrasing skeleton in Feminism's closet but I think early attempts at liberating women from gendered constraints unleashed what is happening now. (Particularly when mixed up with reality-denying PoMo bunk and set within the Marxist oppressor/victim dichotomy).

Gender ideology is effectively anti-essentialism taken to an ideological extreme. That's why it has been sold as liberating for women and why mainstream Feminism has obliviously run with it. It has been well pointed out that it is contradictory since it requires the holding-up of essentialist gender norms so those ostensibly defying their "gender" can switch sides and "perform" the other.

Opening the door for women to get out of the gender-role room door allowed traffic in the opposite direction. The motivations were different - for women it was meant to be accessing equality, for the men sneaking back the other way the motivation was sexual. Originally a trail of HSTS small enough to ignore, later a stampede of AGPs. That's the moment gender ideology and paraphilia joined forces.

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