It is mental illness, all of it. We can affirm all we want but who benefits? Even the poor deluded individual doesn’t.

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I'm trying to understand the mental illness running rampant in the part of the general public that pretends pedophilia and public displays of fetish are just another lifestyle choice we must all celebrate.

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Yes. I believe that this is functioning as a cult, in which people are being both pushed and pulled - out of goodwill - to rabidly support all this, no matter how destructive it is. Cult/deceptive mind control expert Margaret Thaler Singer wrote in her book, "Cults In Our Midst," that people don't knowingly join cults. They are tricked and manipulated into them, believing they're joining a group that will help them and others in some way: a cause far greater than themselves. They're hyped up by the group and psychologically manipulated to believe to a rabid degree in the cause, to the extent that they dismiss, ignore, or rationalize the evil of the group. Jim Jones/People's Temple was an anti-racism/social justice cult.

This sex-role ideology cult is more of a social justice/mass propaganda movement, because it is so far-reaching, and operates in some ways like McCarthyism, in which there's a significant element of threat and resulting fear of speaking out, such that like-minded people are prevented from finding each other and working together to critique, expose, and dismantle it.

I believe this is what's happening here.

What do you think - does this sound like it fits?

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Yes, it does fit. The hardest part for me to understand and forgive is the destruction of children as the cult followers go along. How can anyone with even a minimum of maternal or paternal instinct let their children be damaged?

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Because it is a cult, there is no “thinking” beyond the cult parameters. It’s also Orwellian in that abusing children becomes “ affirmation”, trans “ women “ are really women, anyone who tells the truth about the binary of sex is called “ transphobic” .Truth is ALSO “trans phobic”. This cult, however is not like some previous cults, like the Jones cult. In that it doesn’t affect just a few people within that cult , but rather, this cult has metastasized to the degree that it has transformed society to a large degree, thus it is probably the most dangerous cult ever. People need to be aware of the danger and not just brush it off as a fad like the Satanic Panic!

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Yes, I agree. That is the most unbelievable part, surely. It's staggering. How can anyone think this would benefit their child. Parents are more paranoid about giving their non-celiac kids gluten! Or letting their kids have a taste of sugar, or anything non-organic! But sterilize them, and cut off girl's breasts, and block their puberty even if it causes early onset osteoporosis? No problem!

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Yes! Like a glove. I’m a GenX woman who was raised in the East SF Bay Area, and was taken to People’s Temple a few times as a child by my mentally retarded birth mother. I endured the Satanic Panic in her Pentecostal household until I was twelve, and am amazed that she didn’t get more involved in that Jim Jones cult. Can’t say that life has gone well for me, as her felonious criminality (welfare fraud, child endangerment, etc.) was aided and abetted by “child experts” who denied me the Gifted and Talented Education I’d qualified for, but I am now awake and aware of this emotional manipulation that cults are famous for, in no small part because of the work of Genevieve Gluck, Jennifer Bilek, and the radical feminist scholars who saw this transhumanist stuff coming. My maternal grandmother (a literal Okie from Muskogee, circa 1916) was sadistic and I recently discovered that my birth mother was likely a product of incestuous rape! (Oh, and after her husband died in 2014, my elder sister found among his personal property photos of him in Nazi garb. He was a literal Nazi from Germany! Ain’t that a hoot?) Sadism isn’t a subject I thought I’d be studying for insights into the personality disordered.

I think a perfectly valid question for the mental “health” industry is why Castration Fetish has been removed from the latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) and its editors have thus far refused to add Narcissistic Abuse to it? How many of us are aware that it is a document published by a private corporation? Food for thought.

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Wow, what a family history you have. And that you were taken to People's Temple. Would you tell us what you recall of it, and how old you were, and in what location you went to it. I'm so glad your mother left Jim Jones, and so sorry for all the abuse in the family tree. That would be fascinating to track, abuse in the family tree. I was put in and out of the "gifted" program growing up, and it actually scarred me for life, academically and personally, so you may have dodged something. I can tell you more about it. My father died in 2014, and your comment made me think about the time frame of your sister's husband in the Nazis -wow. My father lived through the bombing of London, when he was an adolescent, i believe. That's disturbing that Castration Fetish has been removed from the DSM. I didn't know it was a fetish - just appalling that it has ever been embraced for any reason. I always thought men just loved that area of men's bodies.

Are you still in the Bay Area? I am. Perhaps we could chat more via our accounts here. I will "friend" you, or the equivalent.

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I was thinking the same thing! I’m in Lake County, and got in touch with a women’s network in the Bay Area, but until something is located in Napa, Sonoma, or Mendocino County, it would be difficult for me to socialize in person. I have Zoom on my iPad. What I remember of the People’s Temple experience is that many of the parishioners were “hippies.” (I have a vivid memory of being at a congregant’s people-packed home, and we were watching the Patty Hearst kidnapping incident on television. Didn’t know this was the Jim Jones congregation until I was over forty!) I figure the hippie presence is what turned birth mother off to that particular congregation. She had been allowed to choose Roman Catholic boarding school, even though she was raised Pentecostal, but was removed from it by her mother in her senior year of high school because she wanted to become a Carmelite nun (a cloistered Order), which the Okie wasn’t going to tolerate, as her daughter was her only child. The Okie then targeted my beautiful father for her campaign of terror, which began after they married and my Dad let her know that he would not yield to her domineering behavior. (She fit the classic profile of a person with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.) When my Dad got sick for the second and final time with cancer in 1981, birth mother sort of “switched allegiances” back to her mother (as a Galician Spanish and Azorean Portuguese man, my Dad was Roman Catholic), and began attending Pentecostal churches full time. (Previously, it had been mostly Charismatic Catholic services.) I am quite sure that the Okie killed my father from the heartache she caused him by stealing his children. I have discovered that I was cast as The Scapegoat in this patterned behavior of narcissistic family-of-origin drama, and am quite certain that the reason I am a decent human being is because of the love he, my Grandma Rose, and her mother showed me when I was little. The Okie is an example of what can go horribly awry when sadists rape children. Did you know that they rape their sons as well as their daughters, even into adulthood? I thought that the Stieg Larsson’s “Girl With The Dragon Tattoo” was fictional, but the sadistic practices illustrated in it is not at all fiction. I’m connecting the soil raping to the child raping, as the soil in Oklahoma where she lived dried up and blew away (Dust Bowl) the year she gave birth to my birth mother. Growing shallowly rooted plants such as domesticated annual grasses on such a rich, thick soil that had been built up primarily by ruminant animals over untold millennia completely destroyed the soil structure. Putting the unsprouted seeds of annual grasses into our gut isn’t a good idea, and I’m so glad I heard about Ezekiel bread more than half my life ago from a Sabbath-keeping Christian friend. I needed to repair my leaky gut caused by six years of repeated courses of prescription antibiotics for an ear infection that was caused by fungal growth. I cultured my own kefir at home to repair the damage, and getting unsprouted cereals and legumes out of my diet was key in effecting the cure, as friendly microorganisms cannot thrive in the alimentary canal with a steady onslaught of antinutrients like phytate. I will only eat unsprouted grain on not more than one day in a week, as I do like to be social and eat with others when invited! Really well-made sourdough is delicious, but I think people need to understand these plants as recreational drugs that are in fact addictive, especially in modern refined forms. It’s tragic hearing how you were abused by those claiming to be educators. Surely I would’ve met up with people like The Okie From Muskogee eventually! (Patch Adams M.D. had a dean in medical school who tried to keep him from graduating. His problem? The dean said he was “excessively happy.” Can you believe that?) I’ve identified as pagan (non-denominational, unaffiliated) since I was sixteen, would now describe myself as an animistic humanist (since I’m not an Atheist or Agnostic), and my exploration of spirituality and civilization’s origins has helped to keep me from going completely insane. Anyway, I’ll not go on any longer. I don’t appreciate having my socioeconomic autonomy taken away by the child “experts” but I’m still alive, unusually healthy, my mind is free although my body isn’t, and wish to raise awareness about sadism and Narcissistic Abuse. There are way too many practitioners in the “psychological services” industry that are themselves mentally ill, and are actively harming the public. 🤬

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Yes, absolutely! We are living in a time of mass insanity where the people calling themselves”kind” are helping to do irreparable harm! It will take a concerted effort to effort to stop this before we are all forced to accept the harmful consequences! It is a lot like Stalinism where truth is buried under ideology! Thank goodness for Substack where this can be discussed !

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Yes. Renate. I so agree with all of your comment. Mass insanity..."kind" people doing irreparable harm(!)...truth buried under ideology...we must stop this before we all suffer the consequences. Yes.

We are losing women's rights, employment rights, medical protection rights of children, free speech, and parental rights, including kids taken away from parents. It's like a huge green monster taking over all, as you describe it/comes to mind for me. And yes, we must stop it, because we are deep in serious trouble.

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We must never celebrate mental illness that poses a real threat to society! These men must be treated in mental institutions.

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The transmaidens along with them!

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Plus these men are dangerous !

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‘Woman face’ is equivalent of blackface

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Yes , but blackface was not as widespread, nor did you have to agree to it!

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No one ever claimed blackface actually made the person black.

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I wish she was my MP ( currently served by the pansexual idiot).

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Omg, so sorry to hear. Can you change providers?

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I just deleted a comment with a link to my YouTube channel because of a reply from a certain Spangle, quoting Scripture on rape. I regard that comment as offensive and hoped the reply would be deleted with my comment. Feel free to delete this after you've deleted Spangle. Thanks, Ute

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No words. 🙄

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This disgusting bloated man pretending to be a woman is being enabled by “progressive” society. He is acting out his sexual fetishes in public and on social media, and people are supposed to support this and be “tolerant”. The pendulum has swung too far, and it stops at violating women’s dignity, rights and safety. These are offensive, mentally deranged men acting out regressive female pornogrified stereotypes, and people should dial back the “acceptance” of these cretins.

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