Dear UN Women UK.

I hope you read this because I want to know why you cannot find one single female to represent women. After all we are everywhere and make up approx. half the population? Why do you KEEP looking in the male population for pretend "woman"? These men can never represent women. Not just because they are not a woman but because they did not grow up as one. They can never know what it is like to grow from a child into a second-class object (yes, we are more often objectified or seem as a body part than a whole person and certainly as being lesser than men), in a society. A vulnerable one at that, that is invariably blamed for male transgressions against them and is expected to make room for, nay often make way for, male views and needs. These men can never know what it is like, as even while they claim to be women they still feel entitled to insist that women make room for not just their needs and views, but their bodies too. Enough! There are lots of women out there. If these men are women in your view (hint: they're not), then an actual female from birth should be good enough to represent them too? Choose again and this time appoint someone that was born female, grew up and matured as a female and knows what it is like to exist as a female. There are over 30 million of us to choose from in the UK.

Sincerely, A very angry woman who is tired of this shit.

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To quote JKR, "I'm so sick of this s---".

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This is why the concept of ‘true trans’ is so dangerous to accept. No such thing. Just men with deep, psychological, body dismorphia/gender disphoria issues.

First Monroe Bergdoff, a feminised man and strong trans rights activist and now this man have been chosen over actual women as ‘UN women representatives’, at the helm of formulating global policy in regards to women. These are men, representing men, that oppose, are in competition with and want to take every single aspect of what women have and who we are. Whether it be our bodies, reproductive systems, our children and our positions and status as ‘women’ in society.

Sometimes we don’t, as women and men, truly understand the epic nature of just how truly dangerous this state of affairs is. These are men being given positions of power ‘as women’, in defining and shaping the narrative in the public consciousness of who a woman is, whilst actively excluding actual women and our voices. It’s insidious.

If you are at all concerned, please do write in to UN Women UK and/or UN Women International to complain. Also, one can contact a local ‘women friendly’ MP to complain about this. As well as contact ‘women friendly’ women’s rights groups to voice your concerns. Remember what impacts and affects women, ultimately affects our children too.

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Yes, we are being erased. If anyone can be a woman, our real life challenges and experiences are being ignored.

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This --> "These are men being given positions of power ‘as women’, in defining and shaping the narrative in the public consciousness of who a woman is, whilst actively excluding actual women and our voices."

It's beyond bizarre to give awards and promotions intended for women to men. Ersatz 'women' are being elevated by culture. It's creepy and I'll never forgive those participating in this.

Real women, they infer, should be submissive to this new trend. 'Get back in the kitchen and make some sammiches!'

In other news: I just signed up for a medical portal so I can see my lab results etc. You're required to choose your "natal sex" and there are only 2 options: male or female. This info is important for many medical treatment reasons.

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Well said!

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Yeah—sounds like he has deep insight into and understanding of womanhood. It’s all about underwear!

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Another Gross Pervert.

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According to his video he consulted a clairvoyant to help him deal will his gender. I wonder if the UN did the same when they were searching for a suitably qualified candidate?

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They may as well have! It's as good an explanantion as any. I suspect the truth is way more insidious though.

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The Patriarchy may oppress women but it also believes it can represent womanhood just as well as any legitimate female. Truly a bunch of upper-crust fools within the UN.

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Of course: because patriarchy is about power structures based on the dominance of fathers / men. The best way for men to retain power over women is to select narcissistic male sexual fetishists to represent women -- or claim to: legitimising multiple forms of oppression of women bundled into a single gesture of contempt.

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It's literally the patriarchy on steroids.

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Oh please not another man in women’s clothes getting women’s work.

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"We patched it over and managed 13 years together but" it was too hard for her, living with a grandiose narcissist like him.

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Another mentally ill man muscling in on women's spaces.

Martin Neeves aka “Katie”:

"Just remember: it takes balls to be a transgender woman."

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It's never a serious and adult name that these blokes choose, is it? I bet that even his altered ID including birth certificate and passport says "Katie" rather than "Katherine", for example.

While it's not the most pornified name that I could point to, it is redolent of hebephilia at the very least IMO.

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I’m guessing it’s to sound ‘girly’ and ‘young’. ‘Katherine’ sounds too grown up, mature and responsible for some of these AGPs who tend to have more than one paraphilia in operation including pedophilia in their box of fetishes.

Remember the Transvestite/secret cross-dressing days when they would call themselves ‘Sapphire’ and ‘Diamond’?

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Someone put the sister in touch with me! I tell survivor sibling stories on my channel! Stolen underwear is a commonplace! Usually they also steal the mothers' panties as well.

uteheggengrasswidow.wordpress.com, contact form. So far I keep data on trans widows and our children. I might start a thread on siblings. They will steal your jewelry too.

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Keep up the great work and invaluable data records, Ute.

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Thanks! I will, and my channel, Trans Widow Ute Heggen on YouTube is just about to pass 2k subscribers.

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Well done!

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Ugggh, of course he steals women's underwear. Why can't people see that they're being taken for a ride? Why, why, why? It's soooo obvious. Are people really so indoctrinated to 'be kind ' and non-judgemental? Bring back taboos and bring back shaming, it keeps society in check. Life is not a free for all.

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I am so sick of these men taking women’s jobs. Same old. It’s lunacy. The trans movement is anti-women and anti-science. They should be given no credence. Its infuriating that the rights we women fought so hard for are being undermined again by men!

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This one would fit in perfectly with the Biden Administration.

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I think this is just great, and backs up everything I've learned about biological women.

Real women have mush for brains, due to estrogen, and can't think clearly.

The fact that "real" women allow biological males into female sports, and now into women's delegations proves this point quite well.

It's that soft part of women's brains, who, feeling empathy for the cross dressing male tolerates this BS.

Look no further than the pro trans movement that is constantly gunning for JK Rowling. They are loud rude, threatening, intimidating, and violent. Just like the men they are. Yet many biological women allow these loud, rude threatening intimidating and violent cross dressing males into women's spaces and even now women's prisons.

Penn State allowed Lea (swinging dick) thompson into the women's locker room and swim line up, with no woman parent stopping it.

Either stand up against this, or sick back and whine and be passive aggressive little bitches about it ladies.

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