Jun 27Liked by Genevieve Gluck

Dumbfounded. Thank you, Genevieve Gluck, for your article and research.

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Thanks again Genevieve for your fearless research and reporting.

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It is all so dodgy. just a swarming mass of creeps under every rock real investigative journalists like Genevieve and Anna lift up.

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Pedophiles have always been with us but stayed hidden in the wood. That they are now open and being supported by a large part of the population in their quest to access and mutilate children for their fantasies I find as disturbing as the idea of gas chambers going up down the road while the adults bury their heads in the sand.

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I doubt if those supporting transition for minors are pedophiles. They’re just trannies and their allies.

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This is the same old mental problem when it comes to deranged males, tranny or not. Plenty of "just trannies" and their "allies" are pedos, just as there are standard-issue males and their supporters that are pedos. The common theme is tearing into anyone who accuses a male of anything untoward. It used to be if he had a decent job, a family and wore standard fare, he couldn't possibly be a bad guy, like Sandusky and his worshippers. Preferable to believe all those children are liars and Paterno would never have ignored a crime. Now if a dude dresses in public in women's clothing, he's on a pedestal and he couldn't possibly be a freak. BTW, there is no "transition," just mutilating cosmetic surgery and damaging cross-sex hormones.

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The problem is paraphilias tend to run together. That’s you find so many trannies in sex offender lists and being convicted of sex crimes.

There’s nothing dangerous sbout trannyism per se. It’s more that it comes as part of a package of other issues.

Sort of like male homosexuality I am sorry to say. I’m not saying gay men are pedos. I’m just saying that male homosexuality tends to come as a package of other problems and issues.

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I never added "per se." Your "I doubt if those supporting transition for minors are pedophiles" doesn't include "all" along with "those." Just like the old school denial of "He couldn't possibly be a rapist" because (fill in here), now we have males in drag elevated to God-like status and the allies drawing swords on anyone who disparages one of these worshipped males.

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There’s no need for knee jerk hostility you know.

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I'm not hostile, but I will call out anyone who puts his or her words into my mouth, an act I consider hostile.

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That fat fag in a dress is an embarrassment to the whole country. The world is laughing at us.

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Don’t give us hags a bad name! A hag is an adult human female. 😡

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I didn't say hag ma'am

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My apologies for not reading more carefully. However, I cannot accept your homophobic slur even if it is not sexist.

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Queer , faggot crazy old man is a complete embarrassment to the country. He's a laughingstock to our enemies. Queers are a symptom of a moral disease. God will judge them and the country that allows them.. Sodomy is immoral and disgusting. Sodom and Gomorrah were real cities until the Lord destroyed them. And all the cities of the plain. He will judge them again and anyone that says they're alright.

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Oh, now I understand. You like to appeal to a higher authority rather than to think critically. I cannot communicate across this barrier and must say goodbye.

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Cantor is a good man. He says pedophilia is an inborn sexual orientation, and he is correct. Most sexologists agree. They can’t help it. He says there’s nothing wrong with it as long as they don’t offend, which is correct. He’s not a pedophile. He’s just a gay man.

The problem with pedophiles is they are dangerous as they can only get sexual fulfillment by breaking the law.

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HE has got to be one of the ugliest dudes out there

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Mr. Levine was actually a decent looking fellow back when he was a guy ISTR.

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