“I did not want to come out as trans because I feared that I would be raped or otherwise mistreated. I did not want to be exploited or used or abused or killed by the other inmates. And I didn’t want to be perceived as weak for being trans either,” he says.”

Doesn’t mind inflicting that same stress and fear onto hundreds of women housed with sexually abusive males 🤔

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He didn't think about the way he abused and mistreated his wife before murdering her. He is afraid of the very same treatment that he inflicted on her!

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Women aren't people to them.

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“Having those role models”


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This horrific monster takes his monstrosity to a whole new level: no amount of dick-cutting and pink frosting can change his lack of humanity. TRANS is NOT HUMAN!!! It’s an outlet for criminal male impunity

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What a terrible story, on so many levels 🥺

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I wonder how many more women are subjected to the infiltration of their marriages by this type of behavior? It’s incredibly sad. The pursuit of “self” has destroyed so many families. And individual lives.

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Sorry! I gave up 1/4 way through. Eventually you have to realise how messed up everyone was in this thing; polycules are just creepy and no self respecting mother would agree to something like this. Looser’s all round. Goes without saying this F’d up murderer is an obscene creature that should have got the chair. Done.

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The whole thing sounds coercive. He was a controlling, and ultimately, murderous man, who now gets to exercise his fetish - because that’s all his cross dressing is - amid many women who are helpless to avoid him. This is devastating from start to finish.

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And what has become of their little ones? These children lost both parents in the same day. I wonder how they are doing…obviously in their 20’s by now, but how ARE they doing?

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Ridiculous. This lying scum bag of a person should not be housed with women for any reason. Sounds reasonable. But alas that opinion makes me one of unenlightened.

Thanks so much to any of the enlightened to whom I raised this concern with in conversation and who rolled their eyes at me as if I were rambling incoherently about little green men.

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GLP-1 Agonists stay winning for the sheer number of diseases they can treat. We’ve talked about their potential for addiction treatment before but this is a good overview:


I don’t think there’s ever been an anti-obesity treatment with proven life extension effects before; all the other drugs either didn’t actually worked or had nasty and sometimes fatal short-term effects that eliminated any long-term benefits (see fen-phen).

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