Sep 16·edited Sep 16

As with the trans horrors, underground deviant pedo culture is being redefined as socially acceptable and openly ushered into common Western culture by degenerate elite "academics". Eventually "rights" will be demanded. And instead of giving them the well deserved torches and pitchforks treatment, we'll hand them right over. Again. Because we're all too scared to deny any kind of sexual deviant any kind of "right". And don't want to be caught impeding "progress". Or "equity". It's time for a new version of that Gibson quote: "The dystopia has already arrived, it's just not evenly distributed yet."

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I just read an article last night about how in the UK, older men are using surrogates. The first thing I thought of is they’re going to be grooming the children from an early age.


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Talk about a red flag. This can’t continue.

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All this needs to be vociferously rejected and resisted for all of our sakes. Together we raise our voices and help stop this in its tracks. It's not ok to be silent in the face of evil.

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Yes. All rationalized under the name of post-modern theory and "queering" and deconstructing everything we hold dear. Makes me sick.

Someone, please deconstruct post-modernism and queen theory.

Surely there are academics (or the rest of us) who are doing so. I would love to see any of their writings. Including nmby anyone who has critiqued/blasted post-modern architecture.

Thank you to Genevieve Gluck for exposing more pedophiles and their academic enablers.

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Sep 19·edited Sep 19

I've studied postmodernism and what we're seeing is a pathological version of it. Basically pomo arose as a rejection of dominant narratives about major social constructs, like the idea that technology was an unqualified good and that reason was the only way to access truths, which were seen as timeless and disconnected from political and social influence. Basically, it was a rejection of simplistic over-arching narratives, and pointed out that in some cases, those narratives were rooted in political power.

This is the connection to Marx, whose ideas have been grossly distorted as well as misunderstood. In essence, Marx warned us about failing to question dominant ideas and the ways in which those ideas were linked to power. In fact, Marx would likely have a lot to say about identity politics because it is very much a product of elite power and it's the elites who are going to benefit from it financially. Many of our critiques of identity politics, believe it or not, are more 'Marxist' than those we critique.

What's funny, or rather terrifying, is that pomo architecture is being used to create an extremely dangerous grand narrative about biology and sexuality, but that's one of its risks: the elevation of the idea that there is no grounding. One of the indicators of something becoming the kind of 'truth' that pomo is supposed to challenge is when critiques of that 'truth' are silenced and those who voice them demonised.

Identity politics is precisely the kind of thing that post modernism is supposed to protect us from. It stopped being a pomo movement when it went beyond LGB. At that point it became an oppressive grand narrative of the worst kind.

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*oops, queer theory, not "queen"

**by, not nmby

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There should always be a MASSIVE STIGMA against MEN who are a danger to themselves and others. They should not be let to roam freely ever.

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Oh my gosh, this was very disturbing.

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Check out the recent controversy at the University of Victoria Wellington. They have posters on campus advertising for participants to take part in a survey on stigma and attitudes against minor attracted people. It is a PhD student research so basically people take part in education modules about their attitudes towards Pedophiles. The University has claimed that it is important research into people’s attitudes towards pedos and that if there was more understanding about their condition they would not act on their desires ??? Universities have lost their way and now supporting BS research into child sex offenders who they feel are marginalised in society and should be supported by the wider community.

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It's almost as if the trans movement was created to legitimise every deviant sexual fetish that men experience. Look at the steps its taken.

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Autoethnography: what we used to call navel gazing.

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Autoethnography: a creation of post-modern lit, perhaps, and arguably part of a tradition that goes back to Proust –

“that asthmatic seeker of lost time squatting, horribly white and flabby, with breasts almost female but fledged with long black hairs, for ever squatting in the tepid bath of his remembered past. And all the stale soapsuds of countless previous washings floated around him, all the accumulated dirt of years lay crusty on the sides of the tub or hung in dark suspension in the water. And there he sat, a pale repellent invalid, taking up spongefuls of his own thick soup and squeezing it over his face, scooping up cupfuls of it and appreciatively rolling the grey and gritty liquor round his mouth, gargling, rinsing his nostrils with it, like a pious Hindu in the Ganges."

That’s Aldous Huxley's character, Anthony Beavis, in Eyeless in Gaza. Classic.

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Great research Genevieve. Thank you.

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That which does not exist is not excluded

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A perfect storm. Not only is it a book in praise of paedophilic onanism, but it’s also narcissistic, self-centred autobiography – with a pretentious neologism, ‘autoethnography’ to dress it up – and furthermore the trappings of academic respectability.

Basically, a wanker wanking on about wanking.

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I want to comment but I have no words. Just 😱

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