This is the best approach to take because the moment "woman" is accurately defined, the case is over.

This man is obviously not a woman, and there is only one kind (an adult human female) because "trans" does not exist.

Everyone knows it. When that is admitted, the matter is done.

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WDI USA filed a brief in support of the sisters. https://womensdeclarationusa.com/wdi-usa-files-amicus-brief-in-westenbroek-v-kappa-kappa-gamma/. Amazingly, a group of >450 KKG alumni filed another brief in support of the sisters, all using their names and referring to men as men. Things are changing.

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Awesome! Any guess on which of these cases will be accepted for hearing by SCOTUS first? Or will they keep avoiding them like they did the case on WA's conversion therapy ban?

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It is disgusting that perverts are now being treated like victims. He has been alleged to have predatory behaviour, in a sane world the serious allegations against him would have been investigated, and if true he would be on a sex offender register for his actions. Instead the mainstream media covered up the serious allegations against him and tried to paint him as the injured party. I cannot believe that this is even a debate. This supposed "discrimination" against him wouldn't even be a thing had this guy respected the boundaries of women to start with. Men who do not respect boundaries are always the ones to be wary of.

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Women's spaces must be protected.

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We know what a woman is. It’s “trans” that needs defining.

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It doesn't exist because nobody ever "transitions." A male cannot become female, nor vice versa, even if a male gets enough plastic surgery to trick others, he still didn't "transition." Fool's gold can never become real gold, even if it fools everybody.

There is simply no such thing. It's all mental illness because delusion is a symptom of something bigger (autogynephilia, bipolar disorder, several homosexual male narcissism, etc).

"Trans" is a lie.

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The women should leave, demand their $8.000 dollars back and leave the fat fuck in the sorority house on his tod with his box of tissues. 🖕🏽

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Lol. Judges hate, hate, HATE having to come up with their own definitions of things. It's understandable to an extent, they are supposed to rely only on existing law, precedent and reasoning, they are not supposed to freelance, they tend to get slapped down HARD by appeals courts when they do. Being flipped on appeal is professionally humiliating for a judge.

This judge will absolutely weasel out of defining "woman" any way he can. This is probably headed to SCOTUS, as the Appeals panels will most likely similarly punt it.

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I graduated a million years ago, so maybe things have changed in how sororities/fraternities work, but to be admitted in a "Greek Life" house back then, you had to be sort of, vetted. You were presented by a member, and then your candidacy was approved by some committee somewhere, and only then, you were allowed to go through whatever initiation process they used, and finally admitted to the sorority/fraternity. Can a judge force these private institutions to simply accept anybody who wants to join them? Or are some sororities/fraternities publicly funded or something?

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My sorority cancelled itself because it was to woke.

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Poor chap's clearly a frustrated lesbian. And my prick's a bloater.

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