One wonders how long this insanity can go on. This celebration of the "bravery" of male psychos who, clearly, hate women. All the material that you are gathering is extraordinary--I wonder if you have any plans of assembling it within a book. It may be the most bizarre collection of humanoids ever put together.

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🤮once again they are not really hiding who they are (pervs) and still the bastards are platformed🤔 Well the only thing visible right now is my middle finger pointed at the general direction of anyone who gives these absolute scum of the earth, any space or time over the safeguarding of women and children🖕

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I swear to God, Genevieve, I could never do what you do on a daily basis. To wade through the worst of human filth, mostly the depravity of men against women, would put me on either a suicide ward or death row.

Thank you for your excellent journalism and professionalism. Your work contributes to expose the depravity that is trans ideology.

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silence of the trans

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Degenerates, all of them.

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We, the transphobes, also need to celebrate a day of visibility. Demand that the "inclusivity" mobs include the "phobes"...They are not very "inclusive" if we don't get to take pride in being disgusted by them...this democracy is male perv-ocracy with a domination twist!!! Everyone should take pride not just men in skirts. I am very proud to be a "transphobe" and I am celebrating it on their day of "visibility" ( as if they weren't "visible" enough...)

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It’s awful how so many trans women end up being active in, or recruited into, women’s programs. They arrive and make it ALL about themselves. Actual women’s issues get shuffled aside in the name of “kindness” and “inclusion.”🤮

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Becoming the thing that you desire most, that is the definition of a fetish

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No surprise at all. A relief if he is gone.

I keep pleading with women, if you want to stop this mess, protect girls and women, end this fetishizing and pornifying of females, stop playing along and stop doing it yourselves. You can see everything they want to emulate, from dresses to exposing clothes to make up to high heels. If you stop doing it yourselves, that supports and protects the girls who think they must be boys if they hate all that. And it also leaves those pervy men nothing to fetishize.

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It's always the ones you most suspect

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When I talk to my friends in the "Be Kind" & "I Just Want Everyone To Be Happy" camp, and I bring up cases like this, they say I'm cherry-picking. What I try to emphasize is that I care about women. We deserve fairness in our sports, safety in our spaces, and the rights to set boundaries on who is in our community. There will always be men like this. How does including them in our community, indulging their desires, how does that empower women?

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The part about him now being dead should probably be higher up in the story. And how did he die?

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Long term Depression, Autism and Suicide according to article...

“Goldman also reportedly suffered from bouts of depression and, as has been reported, took her own life. Since the news spread, every organization that she was a part of has had, or will be having, a memorial service or has offered public words. Coven of the Raven Moon held a ritual Feb. 17. High priestess Morgana Moonwater tearfully told The Wild Hunt, “Vanessa was a lovely woman and sweet sister.” Moonwater said that her kids and grandkids affectionately called Goldman as Aunt Vanni. “She was really incredible,” Moonwater added. “She struggled with autism and depression her whole life, but she lived and valued others so completely.” What is remembered, lives.”

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Pagan Community Notes on Death of Vincent Prygoski aka Vanessa Prygoski aka Vanessa Goldman:

..”Goldman was an active member and student with Coven of the Raven Moon…

..Goldman also reportedly suffered from bouts of depression and, as has been reported, took her own life.

Coven of the Raven Moon held a ritual Feb. 17, led by High priestess Morgana Moonwater.

Worrying: “Moonwater said that her kids and grandkids affectionately called Goldman as Aunt Vanni.”


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This Goldman person is currently dead or alive? Did I misread your article?

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Pushin' up crazy daisies which is why the moronic place he was employed at before his death dedicated a post to him for 'train-wreck tranny day':

"In recognition of Transgender Day of Remembrance in 2021, the Thompson Library where Goldman had worked shared a photo of him."🤮🤮🤮🤮

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Thanks Linda. I speed-read both of those articles and didn't see any mention of the fact that "she" was transgender though it does mention "her" involvement with LGBTQ... organisations. Now that I've gotten used to male pronouns for men pretending to be women, it's uber super creepy to see the female pronouns being used.

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