In a recent arte documentary (germany) they revealed the existence of a manual/book available in variations in the darknet on how to become the perfect predatory pedo. I am a mother who experienced dv and me and my child are being dragged through courts for 3/4 years now. Talking to other mothers we found out that these "fathers" obviously use some kind of manual, as they all sound the same, make the same accusations and apply for the same visitation regulations. Parental alienation is routinely used as a counter defense strategy to obtain custody of sexually exploited children by "fathers". We are certain that there is a manual describing not only how to sexually exploit their own children as fathers but also how to deflect and obtain sole custody over those children. Due to lack of time and energy i hope that someone will report on those connections tying sexual exploitation directly to the family court system. As always, thank you for your great work!!

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I hope you’ll be able to protect your children & yourself 💜

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Same in France. Perpetrators’ lawyers know the law very well and will focus their defense around the pseudo scientific alienation syndrome (created by a pedo psychiatrist). Some countries banned the use of this « syndrome » but the patriarcal culture is still very strong. This is the law of the fathers.

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It is one thing for a single idiot to espouse and champion such views - it is quite another for a government legislative body to begin a process of decriminalizing them. Amazing.

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That Gieseking is insane. Boys and girls "take initiative"? God.

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I fear Kubrick's adaption of "Lolita" has something to do with the "taking initiative" perspective.

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You have got a point here : Kubrick travestied Nabokov’s novel.

The author was explicitly calling out the predator Humbert Humbert, leaving no doubt on the nature of SAs imposed on Lolita. Nabokov narrates this abuse from the perpetrator’s POV only. And it’s quite a difficult experience to read it.

I never understood why Kubrick perverted the original text (maybe unintentionally) & made the word « Lolita » change its original meaning : from victim, she became the initiator.

Until now, lawyers have been using this name to blame young victims.

I’m working on it since I want dictionaries to have the current definition changed & put back in the novel’s context.

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Whenever we call it ‘child porn’ we give it power and validate that genre. It is abuse, always. There is no ‘child porn’. They are child abuse images.

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I am using the terminology as translated from the German government. I also disagree with this argument, for several reasons, including the fact that "regular" pornography includes depictions of abuse.

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You disagree with calling it ‘child porn’ or ‘child abuse images’ ?

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I disagree that the term 'child porn' destigmatizes it or "gives it power"

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Don’t you think that the term ‘porn’ for the most part (I know there are exceptions) has connotations of consent?

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No, I don't. I have noticed porn industry advocates promoting the term "child sexual abuse images" in order to keep porn from being associated with abuse, though.

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So you don’t think people use adult porn consensually? You think there is always an abuse aspect?

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must have shares in porn hub or sites beyond ... sick pricks

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Unbelievable that this is happening.

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Thank you Genevieve for your investigative reporting

Important information to know about the present German government. This seems like a resurgence of the ILGBT and Green Party's former efforts to normalize pedophilia has they have since the 1990's when the pedophile sub group of the ILGBT was temporarily accepted by the U.N as an oppressed minority. Simultaneously, in England people like Peter Tatchell were promoting the interests of the Pedophile Information Exchange (PIE) by working to lower the age of consent for children to have sex with adult men. All of these political threads are connected in spirit, if not in practice. Interestingly, the man who attacked Kelli Jay Keen, Eli/Eliana Rubashkyn born in Columbia, was working with the U.N. and the ILGBT or similar groups under shifting acronyms. Rubashkyn at one point fled to the USA . Curiously, a family with a very similar name resides in the USA, (Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin, born October 30, 1959 former CEO of Agriprocessors) who was sentenced to 27 years in prison, but was subsequently pardoned by Donald Trump. Why did Eli Rubashkyn try to evade justice by fleeing to the USA? What influence does he have within the U.N.? Why/how do pedophiles keep getting a toehold in governments and the U.N; including the related issue of accepting trans impersonators representing women?

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I am a little confused, as a German, to learn these things from an English source when the German information accessible to me was quite different. Will investigate some more. Thank you for your journalism.

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Completely appalling. This has got to be repealed and appropriate prison sentences given to pedophiles. Children abused by adults sexually pay in mental health, physical and sexual health for a lifetime. Perpetrators should pay for at least as long as the ruinous impacts of their actions last.

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