This peeping Tom is making a career out of being a victim while harassing and exploiting women. I'm truly disgusted.

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Incels are notorious perverts and misogynists. There's a reason these douche-nozzles can't get a girlfriend.

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That’s not why they’re not having sex. And 20-25% of them don’t hate women.

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No shit men rape. Those incels haven’t committed many sex crimes though. They’re very introverted and have high anxiety levels. Many seem to have social phobia. Most of those guys can’t even talk to s woman, much less assault her.

Sure they’re angry at women. Girls and women have treated them complete shit their whole lives. Apparently most of them were only guilty of being ugly.

Who could blame them. Incels yell a lot and many are indeed misogynistic, but most of them are harmless. They’re a danger mostly to themselves. Male members of incel forums commit suicide quite often.

Let me know when you want to quit screaming you histrionic battleaxe.

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deletedJun 21
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Nuerodivergent? Retard 😂

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I was raped as a 17 year old virgin...by a MALE...dick and balls, mofo. MEN rape.

It's rare that women do...

Come at me again and I will swear on my life I'll remove all your man junk for you. Double dog dare me, you slimy cunt.

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"we don't care, no one cares, so a frighteningly huge perv is watching you undress, big deal"

There is simply no level of basic decency that you don't see collapsing like a paper cup in the face of this movement. Watching it travel across nearly every societal institution unopposed has been a a lesson, but in what? I'm still not sure, and I feel like I'll spend the rest of my life trying to figure it out.

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It is a lesson in how unvalued women are in society.

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I think that helps, of course. But it's more specific than that. It's so fast-moving and hits institutions right where they declare themselves most redoubtable ("women's rights! Gay and lesbian acceptance! The Science!"). There is something about it that is so specifically of our historical moment, which woman-hatred is not (woman hatred is characteristic of much of known history).

You don't have to agree with me, but I think we are learning something about the fragility of our order which seemed so robust.

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Lesbians aren't even safe from these freaks. Literally LESBIANS have to deal with these scum.

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What!? It’s clearly women doing this. Both in this specific instance and in society at large.

This is a symptom of women wanting to be “nice” and not offend anyone. Western society is run by HR ladies.

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The people in this movement with any kind of clout are almost invariably men. Women's kindness has been co-opted and plenty of young women have been convinced that they're required to vocally uplift the feminine dique (so to speak), but to focus on them is to miss the point

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I am trying to fight it before all society collapses into Orwellian chaos!

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Leave,leave the house-it stopped being any kind of sorority a long arse time ago. This won't end until women say no more,if my daughter was attending this uni I would have cut funding and whipped her out of there a long long time ago.

All of this only happens as long as we take part.

I know that is simplistic but I've been working since 6am so it's all I have for now😘

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When women start to understand the dynamics, of what you just stated so well, then this will stop.

It took the girls and women in sports way too long to figure out, the only legitimacy these penis-sisters get, comes from them agreeing to participate next to these mentally deranged perverts. When they refused to, the ludicrous absurdity was laid bear and could not be ignored or denied.

Stop agreeing to lend credibility, with your presence and participation.

Great comment Sarah. If more parents had the guts to yank their kids out of these damn indoctrination finishing schools, they'd shut down and then we could salt the earth and start over.

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It's pretty shocking that dad's have allowed their daughters to partake in this charade.

I know if my Glaswegian dad was alive today and it was me on this playing field there would be a riot,images of my big strong dad knocking men in skirts out always brings a wee smile too my face.

He was an old school liberal,very live and let live but he wouldn't have stood for an inch of any of this

You're so right in that it's women who were 'kind' then other new lib women who cheered this on but I always think 'where the fk are the dad's?' in all of this.

Surely mine wasn't the last of a dying breed of men who don't think a man should be competing with their daughters,the last of a breed who wouldn't give a crap about being called any kind of phobic...that would be very sad if it were true

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There are still men about, that would and will put their foot down (preferably on the neck of these scumbag perverts), but you have to remember, we’ve been dealing with this whining about toxic masculinity for well over a decade and feminizing boys. So they grow up with very limp morals and standards. What you know have are not so much men who are scared, but men who think on some level, “well they’re just trying to be who they are, maybe we should be understanding and just accept and include them. After all, we have all felt different at times in our lives”.

Now, I’m a fair person and live and let live has always been my credo - UNTIL. I’ve long said, if I had kids in todays world (especially a daughter), I’d probably be in jail, but if I was able to restrain myself, they’d not be taking part in or subjected to this perverted crap. I can only imagine the conversations in those households, where these girls are still in these situations.

We need to return to a time where men like your father were the norm and the betas were the rare and unfortunate exception.

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I've been mad lucky,I found a good highland (I'm on Skye) man 17 years ago and kept him! We have a daughter who in a Christian school on a tiny island had a 'teacher' implant the idea in her 12 year old head that maybe she was trans as she was uncomfortable in her growing body-as we all are at that age!

She's been home schooled since and is now 15,is fluent in Japanese and can build computers,install software,the list goes on.

If I knew then what I know now I would never have put either of my kids into the public school system.

She let go of the trans idea really quickly thank god,I would go to jail if anyone came near my child with hormones or scalpels,I would end them without a thought

I echo your sentiment 💯,bring back strong men,it's not that masculinity that is toxic-its the skirt go spinny crowd who want to be thought of as women while using dominant tactics -their balls always show in the end..

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Well done to you and your man. Families like yours give me hope for the future and the possibility tat we will recapture the best parts of what our societies and cultures were in the past.

It will only be a re-indoctrination of morals, common sense, strong faith and family values rooted in that faith, that will give us that chance.

Right now we are an anchorless boat adrift in a sea of shite.

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I hear you hun,I feel that like a physical pain. The tide is turning,I know right now we all feel a little rudderless and adrift but this too shall pass-i just hope the backlash is directed at the right people.

I remember years ago thinking that this is madness and it wobt get far but shit,I couldn't have been more wrong.

I didn't bet on them using 'be kind' to reel people in.

All I know now is that they have a hell of a fight on their hands now the likes of us have banded together and the 'normies' have started to really SEE

Pleasure to make your acquaintance my lovely 🥰

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I've been mad lucky,I found a good highland (I'm on Skye) man 17 years ago and kept him! We have a daughter who in a Christian school on a tiny island had a 'teacher' implant the idea in her 12 year old head that maybe she was trans as she was uncomfortable in her growing body-as we all are at that age!

She's been home schooled since and is now 15,is fluent in Japanese and can build computers,install software,the list goes on.

If I knew then what I know now I would never have put either of my kids into the public school system.

She let go of the trans idea really quickly thank god,I would go to jail if anyone came near my child with hormones or scalpels,I would end them without a thought

I echo your sentiment 💯,bring back strong men,it's not that masculinity that is toxic-its the skirt go spinny crowd who want to be thought of as women while using dominant tactics -their balls always show in the end..

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Agree. Every sorority sister should move out, as difficult as that may be. That would leave the Behemoth-Voyeur to jerk-off all alone on the curtains. Eventually he’ll get bored and leave, maybe enter the next Miss Wyoming competition (which he’ll probably win if the judges are the same ones presiding over this case).

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Exactly. Along with doing that, they could and should work to get other women to do the same, even if their house was not experiencing the same issue.

This issue is not only about the perversion and depravity of the men doing this, but the leaders of these women’s institutions and the institutions themselves (schools, sports teams/conferences/associations), that have betrayed you girls for the sake of woke popularity and funding.

Until you teach them a hard hitting and lasting lesson they understand - which is always their funding and profits - this will not stop.

I always ask, “if you sent your daughters to a girls summer camp and found our that during that time, there had been men leering and watching them in the bathrooms, parading around nude and erect while jerking off, or dry humping them, would you keep sending your daughters to that camp week after week, or would you do everything you could to see them shutdown and out of business??

This is no different.

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You’re absolutely spot on Dots!! Excellent point. Women need to unite and make sacrifices to bring back social order, metaphorically hit ‘em where it counts. The fact that this hasn’t happened may be one cause of the overall problem: a socially-accepted extreme focus on individual needs and desires that overrides the common good.

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Well said Annabelle!

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Agreed.. who would want to stay in a sorority( meaning a sisterhood!) if they can’t even define what they stand for? Crazy!

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These pukey males won't be satisfied until there is no safe place for women.

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FFS - he's disgusting. 🤮

How can we help these women?!

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They need to show some spines!

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What do you suggest they do when the courts ruled in favor of the behemoth pervert instead of them? In a sorority house. A court of law chose him over the women that belong there. And your solution is to pile on the women? Idiot.

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Rubber mallet right to the lady nads.

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This story fills me with anger and disgust. Presumably it is senior females within the sorority who have enabled this. It is the women living there who should be the ones to vote on whether this creep should be allowed in.

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This kid should be spending time finding a way to be useful and develop skills. Instead, he spends his time learning to grift and manipulate. I’m surprised the University has not dropped him for poor academic performance.

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He's their “trans” poster child. This is academia, there is nothing he could do to get kicked out.

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He doesn’t sound very bright, does he? Stupid and liar as well as a pervert! Nice combination!😩

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Every guy with a tiny dick and no dates can just claim they are a woman with a big clit. Ain't they speshal?

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Based on his GPA and overall demeanor he would never have been accepted to college without transing himself.

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Women are tired of men appropriating womanhood. It's a drag. And sometimes, it's the ultimate drag.

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One institution after another demonstrates an utterly spineless inability to think. The ones supposedly dedicated to women hurt the most.

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17

Great piece, on a great piece of shit! This fetishistic male behaviour is exactly the reason why females are safer in single-sex spaces and facilities. D'uh! Thank you, GG xx

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Almost EVERY man claiming to be a woman is a raging narcissist.

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Never was part of a Greek house, so maybe this question makes no sense. But what is keeping the girls in the sorority house in the first place? Given that the national organization is not representing their interests, can’t they just walk? Join a different sorority, or get an off-campus apartment where they can control their own lives. And having an entire chapter head for the exits might influence the parent organization.

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My thought exactly. I was always a black sheep so joining a sorority was never in my DNA but if I were a KKG with this bullsh, it'd be KKCUL8R! I'd fire the whole organization from my world. Pew pew!

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where are all the men sticking up for their mothers and sisters mate

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Exactly. Why aren't the 'real men' disgusted with these pig men? Where are they? *crickets*

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Absolutely baffling the amount of people in this thread blaming this on men.

This is an organization composed entirely of women from top to bottom. It isn’t men’s fault.

It’s women driving gender nonsense nationwide as well.

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One thing to note from this is that any regulations using the word "woman" need to have a clear definition added, such as "woman means natal human females" to prevent more of these travesties.

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The law standard is what would "the reasonable person" interpret what a "woman" means; the genderist fiction which is attempting to dupe logic by attempting to remove women by subverting our very definition; the animal husbandry and horse racing breeders association would go broke if they adopted such broken definitions ; changing stallions to include mares... women only need to remove women paying fees ; or maybe that is the objective of the transhumanist nut jobs at the top of this multi- internationally funded movement

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Too bad that in the 21st Century people don’t know the basic fact of who a woman is! My parents would have laughed out loud.. as I do!

What is a cat?

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Time for the ladies to get creative in making this man’s life miserable.

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18

He'd probably get turned on by the tampons and maxi pads piling up in the garbage. Their fetish is so gross and creepy.

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Good idea ! He’s doing that to them! Time for a little fun!

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I'm trying to understand the goal of the board, led by Mary Pat Rooney. I found she "Facilitates donor investment" with the United Way. The old adage to follow the money trail may be at play. Quid pro quo? There seems to be a coalition of 1) wealthy transhumanist men 2) the regular old woman-haters (male and female 3) the middle school girls that live to undermine other girls 4) those females that will do anything for even the most deranged males and 5) old fashioned greed/those getting paid somehow. I want to vomit. Kudos to Patsy Levang and Cheryl Tuck-Smith for being the 2 rejected board members with their humanity intact. The sacks that make up the board can rot. https://www.kappakappagamma.org/why-kappa/our-leadership-team/foundation-BOT/

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In the name of male inclusivity we exclude females from female-only spaces, but please be kind to pervs women! This is Biden's pervocracy, the president who's got the perv's back.

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Don’t you mean that they’re trying to kick Him out of the sorority? A sorority is for women … a sisterhood!

Men can go into a fraternity!

Men who enjoy watching women undress ( and get their knickers bulging) stay out of sororities!

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The majority of perverts and rapists are men. Men have no place in women's sacred spaces.

If I see a dude in my women's bathroom...I'm going to be cutting some giblets off. Then, he can 'fit in'.

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What a disgusting man ,and with a less than average GPA, which shows that he is below average in scholastics.

Why does this sorority bend down to an obvious voyeur who gets off on looking at women? Ugh! 😩

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