placing men in women's prisons should be a crime. it is completely and utterly dangerous and completely and utterly wrong.

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..."I don’t deserve freedom.."

He also does not deserve to dictate in what prison he is held.

This man is seriously dangerous.

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Thank you, Genevieve.

I can't imagine being locked up, let alone with this man anywhere on the grounds.

I like that you report that Madeleine says it's gaslighting to call it a women's prison, when it isn't.

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Shame on you, Germany - women deserve better!

Thank you, GG XX

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He does not belong around women.

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How about a separate "transwomen" prison? It can even be staffed by "transwomen," and since "transwomen are women," this should meet the fairness criteria. Since "gender is fluid," men who fluid themselves back and forth could wear HER correctional officer uniform while at work, and then fluid back to male when at home.

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A woman's life is worth 13 years. And now he wants to terrorize more women.

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What a fucking clown world we live in, the people making these decisions should be shot. You gotta have a big ego to make a decision like that. The crusade against religion just created a whole bunch of people who don't worship a good God but in fact think themselves god.

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13 years - that’s it for taking his wife’s life in a vicious attack. That’s nothing. It’s almost as if women’s lives aren’t respected in Germany.

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Ah, the prison/court-onset "gender dysphoria"... Prison officials who place men with women remanded to (what's supposed to be women's-only space) state custody are guilty abuse of the power granted by the state to prison-authorities. It also violates the Constitution's 8th Amendment's ban on "cruel and unusual" punishment (see NYC corpse-chopping, sexual sadist killer now housed in Riker's women's unit).

"The hallmark of cruelty punishments that are so inherently cruel or degrading that they offend our sense of justice and decency…punishment that fails to meet social decency standards–it is overly painful, torturous, degrading, or humiliating…"


Is housing males in prison with women “cruel and unusual”? Is housing a corpse-hacking sexual sadist, rapist serial killer with imprisoned women cruel, degrading, humiliating, malicious, sadistic?

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This is fucking shocking and utterly disgusting!! They're actually breaking the law to know tow to BLATANT TRANS FRAUDS and putting women in serious danger from which they cannot escape, and for what exactly????!

I am fucking FURIOUS!!!!!!

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