You are doing incredible work Genevieve, reporting this depravity. These people are always about normalising fetish, the sexualisation of children and controlling narratives. Its child abuse. What shocks me are those that go along with this, the cowards in the media and positions of authority that could end this by taking a stand, by doing their jobs. Thank you for always taking a stand...

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Thank you, Rob. Looking at these incidents has certainly caused me to have some frightening realizations about the forces driving this. I now consider transitioning children to be a novel form of child sexual abuse. I've thought about this in detail and I hope that I am wrong, but am afraid that I might be right.

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There are many forces and many strands to this ideology. This strand is child abuse. You are not wrong, I wish you were. While much is linked to queer theory and the blurring of boundaries, so much is being done by those who genuinely feel they are being "inclusive", "kind" and so on. That's why it can be difficult to focus, from parents standing up against age inappropriate PSHE lessons in primary schools here in the UK, the "long-game" indoctrination of academia that has resulted in activist teachers grooming ever-younger children with gender ideology, with brightly coloured books in libraries that embed paedophilic references and glorify the "trans child", to the corruption of language not just in sexed. but across every educational discipline, let alone enforcement of pronouns. Many are "rainbow blind" and can't believe trusted institutions are pushing this indoctrination, as I've found taking on my daughter's school. But many parents are discovering your work, Genevieve. Always know that what you do helps so many of us see. It is very much appreciated. Thank you.

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The short-term goal of "trans" (no such thing really but I'm referring to the agenda) is normalization of pedophilia. That's been true since the beginning. The long-term goal is "transhumanism," as described by Martin Rothblatt, Yuval Harari, etc.

Germany, as a society, has been intentionally psychologically destroyed since WWII. Abusing children has been described as "anti-fascist" in order to legitimize it. The worst example is probably the practice of placing children in the homes of pedophiles as a way to fight "fascism": https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2021/07/26/the-german-experiment-that-placed-foster-children-with-pedophiles#:~:text=The%20article%20described%20a%20new,supported%20by%20the%20Berlin%20Senate.

For those who pay attention, anyone who criticizes troons and their agenda are routinely called "fascists."

This entire lie must be defeated. There is no compromise or middle ground.

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How incredibly disturbing for a child to see injuries on his mother caused by his father, & for that to be presented positively

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Child abuse in plain sight. Thank you for your work on this Genevieve.

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This all fits in with the data I'm collecting on trans widows' experiences of "kink" violence prior to ending a relationship with a porn addicted crossdressing husband. The younger generation of women is shockingly at risk because of the prevalence of hypno sissy porn and other violent varieties. I just finished the first volume of Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, and the fetishists fit right into pagan sacrifice rituals. For any woman who divorced/left a crossdresser (whether violent or not) can access my contact form at uteheggengrasswidow.wordpress.com and add your data to my survey 20 Questions to Ask a Trans Widow. So far, out of 47 of us, 1/3 were sexually assaulted by "gender dysphoric" partner and there were 5 who detail being raped. None of these rapes were reported. The 4 choking incidents were reported to police, as he almost killed all 4. Thanks, Genevieve!

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Excellent work!

One point though, choking is a term for when there is an obstruction in your throat, strangulation is when the force comes from outside your body.

This is so insidious that we have to be on the outlook for them finding ways to push the responsibility back on to when for our own violation.....

Keep fighting for trans widows!!

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Thank you! Strangulation. Just wow. I will keep up the good fight. Please consider visiting YT channel, Trans Widow Ute Heggen for updates. Also nature videos.

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I saw someone make the distinction on Ovarit and it really struck home..... Already subscribed.... ☺️👍

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I think public morality needs to make a comeback. Do whatever with consenting adults in PRIVATE - and stop over sharing.

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Child abuse, plain and simple - thank you for sharing.

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I'm not a math whiz or anything - but what I can deduce from all this is that - "crazy + crazy = more crazy." You really can't make this stuff up!

This is clearly an elite agenda being pushed on the majority of Western citizenry. I see very little evidence of anything that could acurately be called "transphobia" - but I see lots of glaring evidence of blatant, often vile and violent "misogyny" being simply rebranded as - "trans-activism."

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What is being done to this child in particular is abhorrent, although sadly not surprising. Thank you for this work and your dedication. The world needs you, Genevieve.

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In a few years time, ‘Juliana’ will be joining in his father’s abuse of his mother , I fear.

And will he then be finding his own victims?

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Why are we not surprised by this? There appears to be a strong correlation between mentally ill parents and mentally ill kids.

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Thank you for your amazing reporting on these difficult topics. The child sexual abuse is front and center for the world see. Thank you for opening eyes. We should all be enraged. The library directors response is telling - He (or she) is essentially saying that what condoms and lubricants are to candies; children are to BDSM.

Children's Hospitals actually go so far to admit that sex trafficking is an issue when it comes to LGBTQ children. Of course they fail to go further and make the obvious connection that the services they provide could lead to this. https://www.thehrcfoundation.org/professional-resources/childrens-hospitals

There is a document titled "LGBTQ Inclusion in Children's Hospitals: Lessons Learned from the Healthcare Equality Index"

HRC wrote this in conjunction with the American Academy of Pediatrics. They discuss a focus group of leaders at hospitals with gender clinics where in 2019 they hashed out important issues around so-called 'gender' care. At the bottom of page 12 can be found the following:

"In addition to the general challenges of serving LGBTQ patients, focus group participants also identified issues that were unique to children’s hospitals. Participants discussed issues around sexual trafficking of LGBTQ youth and brainstormed various suggestions to help with this problem, including: improving training opportunities for Emergency Department providers on human trafficking and LGBTQ youth; developing collaborations with Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE); raising awareness on human trafficking with signs and banners; and establishing an outreach van service to connect with homeless and at-risk street youth."

What could go wrong here when affirmation of false identities is the name of a twisted game for sex-addled men and young children alike? Last time I checked, tonsillitis, childhood leukemia, and other childhood illnesses hardly come with sex trafficking concerns. After all, we are discussing perfectly healthy children that actually have no hospital needs at all save for the iatrogenic damage provided.

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A lady reached out to me on Facebook - her daughter was trans. At age 15 she ran away. She returned 2 years later with stories so horrendous this lady couldn’t even voice them. They (there were several people) used her like a sex toy in effect.

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What .... 😭 That's horrifying. It sounds like what happened to Sage

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Sadly I am privy to horrendous stories as well. It must stop.

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Not even surprised. Everyone knows that “transgenderism” is a smoke screen for debauchery. Thank goodness for people like you who have the stomach to expose it. I just wish the powers that be would stop burying their heads in the sand now. They were all too quick to embrace this and now are too chicken shit to see the truth.

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This is just plain weird

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Yep. It's been known for awhile now that those suffering from one kind of paraphilia are at an elevated risk of having other paraphilias as well.


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