Meanwhile in the states a 35 year old woman calling herself Liam, a mother of 2, died of organ failure as she had Type 1 diabetes and was a cigarette smoker, both of which are factors in extreme iatrogenic harm from testosterone ingestion. Her daughter, a teenager, already had a double mastectomy. What a horror show, the real kind.

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Foucault would be proud.

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How very vicious.

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Don't expect BBC or the Guardian speaking about this. This is truly horrifying....

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Yeah, but they don’t have mental illness, huh?

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It's helping them to say this because that is their main defense after murdering women and sometimes it works. They know exactly what they are doing.

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So what would you call extreme narcissism, plus conviction of being the opposite sex -- or no sex at all -- expressed with vindictive rage and violence against anyone who disagrees?

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You know, every time I hear about a terrorist bomb going off, I say to myself

" Damn it must be those high strung hysterical biological women at it again"

No, actually I have never once in 70 years associated a bomb going off with a woman.

But I now must ask the question, what insane tranzy group did this shit!

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The graffiti is international now. ACAB = All Cops Are Bastards. Follow journalist Andy Ngo for more insight into the radicals behind this. Coming soon to a town near you.

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I'm grateful that at WDI in Atlanta this weekend we had no protesters and no violence. I'm also grateful that the supportive hotel staff had our backs and were ready in case there was. My heart breaks for the women who weren't so lucky.

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I've thought alot about this since yesterday

The fanaticism of the trans "community" has taken a quantum leap with this bombing.

They are no longer content with just screaming "IT'S MA'AM" in your face.

They are no longer content with taking parent's rights away from them.

They are no longer content with silencing conservative speakers.

Or throwing milk shakes at people.

Or threatening to put anti trans advocates in body bags.

Or murdering children in schools or killing their parents.

They now feel justified in planting bombs and destroying those who don't agree with them.

This is an entirely new level of madness and can not lead to anywhere good.

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Does the lgbtq++++ crap now gets some real backlash?? Even in the press perhaps? As also the climate crap seems to suffer some backlash (w/ Greta even being arrested?)... perhaps those groups overdid it w/ their agendas and even the MSM can not ignore this anymore (?)

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Unfortunately Marguerite Stern is close to the extreme right-wing and keeps portraying male migrants as a threat to women https://www.bvoltaire.fr/qui-est-marguerite-stern-la-feministe-poursuivie-par-sos-racisme/ .

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Male migrants are a threat to women:


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The article mentions data on foreigners convicted for crimes, but it is widely known that many sexual crimes are not even reported and that most female rape victims are raped by men they know - not by strangers in the street. Moreover, these data don't prove that most male migrants commit crimes. Stern is deliberately demonizing African and Arab men.

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“most female rape victims are raped by men they know”

This is not relevant to the question of whether migrant men commit stranger rape at a significantly higher rate than native men. In Spain and Sweden, they definitely do. (Most other European countries refuse to release the relevant statistics.) There was also the egregious case of “grooming gangs” of immigrants in the UK.

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First of all, we only have data on men *convicted for rape*. As I said earlier, plenty of rapes go unreported. Only some rapists are convicted. Who is more likely to get convicted - a migrant on a low income or a middle-class white man with access to good lawyers?

Secondly, the rapes mentioned in these statistics are probably largely rapes inside the same ethnic community - not rapes committed on white women in public places. Most rape is intraracial, not interracial. Stern deliberately claims that French women are threatened by African and Middle-Eastern migrants in the streets because this narrative is highly popular in France. But the whole world has recently heard about the "respectable" white French man who was drugging his own wife and allowing other men to rape her...

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Chat GPT was quite instructive

Can delusional people become violent when their delusion is contradicted? Four sentence summary.

Yes, delusional people can become violent when their delusion is contradicted, especially if they perceive the contradiction as a threat to their sense of reality. Delusions, particularly in severe mental illnesses like schizophrenia or paranoid disorders, are often deeply ingrained and central to the person's identity. Challenging these beliefs can provoke anxiety, fear, or anger, leading to aggressive responses.

Name 20 instances of violent reaction to delusion contradiction, single sentence

Here are 20 instances where individuals under delusion reacted violently when their delusions were contradicted:

1. **John Hinckley Jr. (1981)**: Attempted to assassinate President Ronald Reagan, believing it would win the affection of actress Jodie Foster.

2. **Jared Lee Loughner (2011)**: Opened fire on U.S. Representative Gabby Giffords and others, driven by delusions about government mind control.

3. **Richard Chase (1970s)**: The "Vampire of Sacramento" killed several people, believing he needed to drink blood to survive after contradictions to his delusional thinking.

4. **Andrea Yates (2001)**: Drowned her five children, believing she was saving them from eternal damnation after her religious delusions were challenged.

5. **Mark David Chapman (1980)**: Murdered John Lennon, driven by delusions that Lennon was a phony and that his murder would cleanse the world.

6. **James Holmes (2012)**: Opened fire in a Colorado movie theater, believing he was the Joker and reacting violently to perceived slights against him.

7. **David Berkowitz (1976-77)**: The "Son of Sam" killed multiple people, claiming a demon in his neighbor's dog instructed him to kill when confronted about his irrational beliefs.

8. **Charles Manson (1969)**: Ordered the murder of several people, driven by delusions of an impending race war he called "Helter Skelter."

9. **Timothy McVeigh (1995)**: Bombed the Oklahoma City Federal Building after developing delusions about government tyranny and retribution.

10. **Seung-Hui Cho (2007)**: Carried out the Virginia Tech shooting, believing he was avenging perceived wrongs against him by classmates.

11. **Colin Ferguson (1993)**: Shot passengers on a Long Island Rail Road train, believing he was being persecuted because of his race.

12. **Adam Lanza (2012)**: Carried out the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting after retreating into delusions about societal collapse and isolation.

13. **Jill Dando’s Stalker (1999)**: A delusional man named Barry George was initially convicted of murdering British TV presenter Jill Dando after becoming fixated on her.

14. **Scott Panetti (1992)**: A man suffering from schizophrenia murdered his in-laws, believing he was engaged in a spiritual battle against evil forces.

15. **Robert Bardo (1989)**: Stalked and murdered actress Rebecca Schaeffer after developing delusions that she was sending him secret messages through her roles.

16. **Russell Weston Jr. (1998)**: Stormed the U.S. Capitol and killed two police officers, believing he was on a mission to stop a government conspiracy.

17. **John Allen Muhammad (2002)**: The D.C. sniper, believed to be motivated in part by paranoid delusions about societal collapse and government oppression.

18. **Nikolas Cruz (2018)**: Committed the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, driven by violent fantasies and delusional thinking about being a misunderstood outcast.

19. **Rodger Elliot (2014)**: Carried out a mass shooting in Isla Vista, California, driven by delusions of being unfairly rejected by women and society.

20. **James Huberty (1984)**: Opened fire in a San Ysidro McDonald’s, killing 21 people, after believing he was the victim of government mind control and societal rejection.

Core issue.

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Many faked events

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