Women around the world documented attacks perpetrated against them by transactivists and pro-sex trade campaigners on March 8, International Women’s Day. The assaults, though scattered across the globe, carried a similar message: an alliance has been formed between transactivists and pro-sex trafficking advocates. Women who oppose pornography, prostitution, or the male claim to women’s identity are branded “TERFs” or “SWERFS” and violence against them can therefore be justified.
This International Women's Day violence is really shocking. Thank you for reporting it. The aggressive male trans activists don't seem to realise that (beyond inflicting personal.injuries) their attacks on women demonstrators against male violence only help women to prove their point.
Psychotic men and brainwashed women.
This International Women's Day violence is really shocking. Thank you for reporting it. The aggressive male trans activists don't seem to realise that (beyond inflicting personal.injuries) their attacks on women demonstrators against male violence only help women to prove their point.