Should anyone who has tortured and murdered their cellmate, regardless of their declared gender or their cellmate's lack of intellect, be given another cellmate of any sort?

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Because, you know, nothing says 'safe space for women' more than women beating each other to death and getting one another pregnant.

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These trans freaks are only being scum because men are scum. You don't see women who think they are men trying to impose themselves in men's spaces or men's sports because they'd obviously be UNSAFE in MEN's SPACES. lol!

And fuck all if men pretending to be women tried to pull this bullcrap off with banks and 'faked' being a multi billionaire to get a bank loan. Oh the faux outrage...not! The bank would laugh them into another zipcode but real women have to put up with this male predator dressed up as a fake woman crap? REALLY?

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It's like they are doing this on purpose.

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You can’t make this stuff up. Deplorable.

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Make it make sense.

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Why are the human rights of these men who abused the rights of their victims in the most gross and grotesque ways being put before the rights of female prisoners. The consequences of their actions should mean they are jalied according to their biological sex, no ifs, buts or maybes. With rights come responsibility and with responsibity, consequences. Why are legislators falling over themselves to give these men more rights than the women they incarcerate. Where are the marches for the rights of women on the streets of every place in the USA where this is allowed to happen? Never say never it wont happen to you or someone you love...

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