God Almighty! How long will this insanity go on? How can a society humor such monsters? How can a society call "human rights" the desire of psychopaths to take over?

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Agreed! The psychopaths have figured out how to deceive and bully almost everyone into submission. The deceived ate handwringing handmaidens doing these men's bidding. Collevtively, we need to advocate more for the rights of women prisoners. Or at least I need to. I wish Genevieve would include a "Take Action" section in her stories, as to who we can write to, instead of leaving it to each of us to figure it out, who don't have the time or don't know where to begin. Genevieve, would you please do this?

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He wanted these guys to move in with him, but their rejection triggered his dysphoria and he killed them, before feeding them to pigs? These are dangerously deluded people. Playing into these fantasies has led our courts to release these maniacs on the actual vulnerable people in society. It’s truly dystopian.

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Great writing and coverage of this sustainable story

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FFS! #NotOurCrimes

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Oh wow, I watched an EWU youtube video of this guy's case some time back and totally thought it was a woman - they never mentioned he was trans and I must admit, voice and physique weren't as obvious as that of others. What left me puzzled was how the men who were interrogated spoke about 'Monica' physically intimidating them and described him as strong, and I was all.. uh, well, okay, that's really odd, but I guess there must be some women who are stronger than average? Now it all makes sense! Couldn't help but leave a comment on the video stating he's a he and how he's in a women's prison.

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a mens rights movement - their feelings put above safety of girls and women and children ; oushing homophobia and gender stereotypes .. propaganda and gaslighting and profiteering often perverse antihumanity

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Naturally, government and law enforcement toadies refer to these malignant psychopaths as "women". They're happy to play along with the lunacy, because supporting the "feelings" and delusions of these lunatic men is much more important than telling the truth, or compiling accurate crime information. Their social engineering project is paramount.

Not our crimes indeed! And we should be constantly saying so, wherever we can.

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