I've clicked the 'like' button on this story because there is no 'WTF' button.

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More disturbing than these freaks are the "normal" people in positions of authority enabling and allowing this to happen. I believe they are sociopaths living vicariously through the damage these men perpetrate, while maintaining their own legitimacy.

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It’s bananas how many judges have ruled in they/them/their favor!

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I am so tired of this. Thank you so much for your reporting.

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No decent man wants to invade women's spaces.

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Aside from all the other issues, this and the plethora of cases you've highlighted, the one that get's lost for those in the States particularly is - local elections matter.

From judges, mayors, AG's, county sheriffs - your vote or lack there of, will allow or deny them this ability. In some cases, mayors appoint police chiefs and commissioners. Most State AG's are elected.

When you have lenient judges and legal administrators, you end up with child molesters and criminals using this loop hole to not only escape the violence of men's prisons, but access more victims in the women's prisons.

If you want these scumbags to not just do their time (full sentencing), but also not be handed more ready made sexual assault victims, then do your home work when filling out your county and state ballots. The criminals can only get away with this crap, if there are people in seats of power allowing it.

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This is not the first time it’s happened, and it certainly won’t be the last. We are living through shameful times.

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This is the political utility of making gender a constitutional human rights issue. The effect on family court is also egregious. MN will claim jurisdiction in any family court case from anywhere if gender is an issue. This is a pathway to cutting parents out of children's lives.

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MN with Gov Walz as governor is the reason why this is such a shameful situation.

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A thousand times EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!

Can these man pervs posing as women just be shown into the quickest do not pass go entry to hell?

How many times are these mentally disturbed perverts going to just keep posing danger to REAL WOMEN. And yes, women are REAL not 'constructs' for perverted men to make a mockery of!

Any MAN in WOMANFACE who calls you a TERF? Ask them why they call themselves 'TRANS" in the first place and the man behind the poofy froo froo curtain is exposed because they are full of bovine excrement.

Call yourself a transflake or a transkibbles-n-bitz or a trans-unicorn but, you men will never be women. Just admit you are flaming fags at best or terrifying pedos and pervs at worst, but, you men will never be women. You scum who think you can infiltrate safe spaces for women need to be locked in a box full of stinging insects and slowly die in a hot desert.

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Infuriating! A male pervert, who no matter whether HE mutilates HIMself or not, will always remain MALE. Enough of this tranny war on objective truth!

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Don’t the actual female prisoners have rights, too?

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Whitebird… Really.

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All indications are the democrats are going to double down their support of this. They will commit party suicide on this artificial hill. The darkness is vast and the campfire is small...... and getting smaller all the time.

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Hopefully, Walz isn’t going back to be governor?

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How come you're so big on women's rights but hate Jews?

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This is so unfair to those vulnerable female prisoners.

When will this madness end?

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Honey, that ponytail doesn’t work for you.

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