Minor slip with psychological vs psychiatric: the American Psychiatric Assocation publishes the DSM. Sandfort should never have passed a background check for working with children. I absolutely love this: "Sandfort, while condemning the feminist movement as “moral dictators” for holding stances against child sexual abuse and pornography." That's right buddy, the feminists are an obstacle to you and your ilk getting your clutches on children.

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And will make sure to keep watching every move of these creeps! Children don‘t need any of these studies. It‘s just that these guys cannot stop to look for normalization tactics of their sick desires!!

Children don‘t get what is done to them and child sa‘ers tend to act friendly and supportive to groom them in. Children don‘t need or want sexual contacts. They are children! There‘s a reason they don‘t have fully developed sex organs yet and aren’t psychologically ready to deal w sex for goodness sake!!! Let them be kids, leave them alone with your sick justification crap groomers!

I can‘t with these men, really!! Wasting millions of dollars in an attempt ( yet another one) to make s harming children salonfähig. How I detest this, there are no words…

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So there are links between paedophilia and the drive to transition children! What a surprise!

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dangerous nasty slippery devious man

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ya know..sometimes I'm so grossed out I have nothing to say. This is unfortch one of those times.

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It’s always fascinating that absence of a negative is taken as a positive by the poorly reasoning. There are many terms for it - “absence of evidence is not evidence of absence”, “unproven isn’t disproven”, “argument ad ignoriantiam” (argument from ignorance) or good old “out of sight not out of mind”

A dysphoric trans can be thought of as subject to an irrational dislike of their genitals rather than wanting to be opposite sex - a negative self-reaction is not a positive opposite reaction.

Statements that pedophilia can be positive is created by the idea that many unforced pedophile experiences aren’t physically or emotionally catastrophic.

That’s a far cry from positive however.

My very first discussion of this almost 45 years ago (when I was 17 or so) I remember arguing with a NAMBLAite that children categorically cannot give adult consent. Pedophilia is likewise categorically defined as sex with children who have not developed sexual response - the definition of prepubescent.

Not only can they not give adult consent, they cannot give consent for that which they cannot perceive.

Simple analogy.

If you were to ask a child with congenital analgesia (insensitivity to pain) to put their hand in a pot of boiling water and pull an egg out, if they do it quickly enough it won’t damage them.

It may seem funny to them, and they may not understands what damage it can cause. They cannot give consent to doing it, and no adult can ask them without it being abusive.

There are so many people who refuse to take adult responsibility of duty of care for children whether or not they are the parent. It’s a constant in history.

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Of course. The pedos are behind the entire “trans movement.” The children are the ultimate prize.

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I found this report so sickening that I hesitated to click "Like." So take my thumbs up as a gesture of appreciation for your work at turning over rocks, as well as for the mental toughness and strong stomach you seem to possess which permit you to keep at it.

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I’m not dismissing your concerns about having your work stolen (re-used without attribution?) but I’m not sure what ‘publishing’ will consist of in your context or when this will happen. In l the meantime for me as a reader, this piecemeal approach means your posts won’t convince anyone who isn’t already converted. I’ve just sent a person information about the Cass analysis of transgender treatment guidelines and about the WPATH files. Your information would be dismissed by them. That seems a pity and unlikely to improve your reputation or income.

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Sufficient evidence is provided in the report. Sandfort has a known history of pro-pedophile advocacy. He was praised by John Money and his work has been promoted by WPATH. It is not possible that Bockting wouldn't have known this. Sandfort has also worked with another WPATH president, and John Money's "research" is the foundation of WPATH.

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I look forward to reading more of your work. Thanks.

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ya know..sometimes I'm so grossed out I have nothing to say. This is unfortch one of those times.

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I would like to give others evidence that WPATH is not an acceptable organisation. But this substack post is largely guilt by association in an area where right wing conspiracy theorists lose their minds - pizza-gate; the UK paediatrician hunted down because her accuser’s didn’t know the correct term etc. It is important to provide solid evidence not speculation if we wish to convince medics and institutions - not just agitate rightwing activists.

I am convinced by the information that Sandfort’s research is unacceptable. The links between Sandfort and NAMBLA are convincing. Paidika was a journal for pro-pedophiles directly linked to NAMBLA and other pedophile activists.

But the links between Sandfort and WPATH amount to 1/ he gave a paper at a conference in 2016 2/an ex-WPATH president and he worked in two world class academic institutions and for one year were both on the Editorial Board of a journal - all of which activities may involve no personal contact or support between Sandfort and Bockting, the former WPATH president.

The evidence for a link between NYC child services and Sandfort is more convincing as he worked for and with the organisation but I don’t believe you’re attempting to claim that NYC child services are a pro-pedophile institution?

Please keep digging. Yours Respectfully

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I do have more evidence. Much more. I'm having to space it out in separate articles so I can link them, and I didn't want to tip my hand and have someone steal the work I haven't published yet.

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