Yet again these are #notourcrimes, glad to hear HE is going to a male prison. Evil bastard.

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Thank you for that. I’ve lost a little of my nerve recently because of the repercussions from sharing and talking about this issue, but who could find fault in my sharing that? 🥴

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What a complete fuckwit, sick and tired of these men who are perpetrators. Useless governments the world over for allowing self id to creep in. Again, how can govts correctly analyse crime stats when they allow men to identify as women. Utter bullshit I’m sick of this shit!

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So glad you are doing the real reporting on these men.

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FFS how is this going to end???

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By the logic of this sexualised sadistic and fetishistic male all women should absolutely HATE MEN for making women feel unsafe. But the reality is that women not only "feel" unsafe, they are tortured, murdered and oppressed every day due to men like him.

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