Recent landslide victories secured by a women’s football team with five trans-identified male players have sparked controversy, leading one club manager to reveal that at least 20 female players have excluded themselves from the sport in recent weeks in order to avoid competing against the men.
World Aquatics’ Swimming World Cup had to cancel events held for trans athletes after no entrants registered at the tournament in Berlin in 2023. They don’t want their own events, they want to beat women. They are men larping at being women; they have no right to invade our safe spaces, our language and our sports. They disgust me.
I would like the evidence for the claim that men playing in womens teams ( and presumably undressing and showering in the female changing rooms) has been a thing for twenty years. Because it’s odd that none of the female players seem to have noticed until recently.
Oh revisionism! Blessed tool of the totalitarian throughout the ages.
Last time I looked, seemed like "judges" worthy of the title are becoming rare indeed. Increasingly they defend criminals and treat the criminals as victims, release them with a slap on the wrist, even for violent assaults, rape, molestation and and and. Decent people who cannot stomach it anymore are going to have to unite and engage in this struggle on the strength of their own honor and convictions, our "democratic institutions" have failed us. After covid, would anyone seriously disagree with that?
Actually judges have been really useful for stemming the T tide eg Forstatter case and Bell case in UK. As long as they've got decent laws to work with
Thank you for your comment, Petula. I needed to hear it. There still are good judges out there, of course. And I have to assume since the very first judges existed there have been those who were corrupt, incompetent, used their positions to support their chosen causes, regardless of whether right or wrong. The other thing is our dependence on news media, and even on Substack, Twitter etc., to know what is really happening out there. Extreme happenings always get the most publicity, and good news is ignored. This is deliberate. But overall, I think it is high time for people everywhere to begin taking a long, hard look at judges and the tremendous power they have to shape our nations and societies. I am not a Trump supporter, not a Biden supporter (!!!!) support no political party, neither Democrat nor Republican. But just look at what is happening in the American "justice system", where judges are using their positions to not only stop but destroy a political candidate (Donald Trump). This is extremism destabilizing a nation, and it is being done directly by "judges", many appointed and not elected (important). What we would expect to see in a banana republic or dictatorship. They are not even pretending to be impartial. I've been preoccupied lately with this whole topic of the judiciary, don't know enough about it yet, but find myself wondering if the combined power of our judges is even FAR greater than that of elected politicians or even heads of state. One more rabbit hole for this pessimist to fall into :) :)
For Orwellian try the "eSafety" commission demanding that this very Substack remove its articles covering this matter. Courts will be the place this insanity starts to unravel, but it will be detransitioners suing for millions rather than sportswomen. That avalanche is already on the way.
Nothing less than disgusting & disgraceful treatment of the women’s teams in the name of so-called fairness & anti-discrimination. Aussie women should unite & refuse to play en masse; they can’t ignore all of you. Will post this on X. Thank you, Genevieve.
Absolutely! I’ve been saying the same for so long. Women need to stop engaging en masse and if push comes to shove, consider creating our own competitions (keep an eye on the Giggle v Tickle case in regards to this related issue). Sometimes we have to temporarily suffer by taking 10 steps backwards to gain 50 steps forwards.
Trans identified people/regulatory bodies need to create trans categories, in pursuance of fairness and justice within sports, given that trans identified men are just that ie men role-playing as women for their own individual reasons that should not impact sports competitions and/or other people’s lives.
Women boycotting/self-excluding would financially affect everyone in the chain of benefit and the negative impact would soon change policies and laws. Sports bodies and sponsors only listen when they are actually seriously affected. Especially financially. Women actually do hold the power in this but it has to be as a mass group.
How these particular men don’t feel thoroughly embarrassed or ashamed to put women and girls in this position only points to the spirit of the core narcissism and misogyny that is operating within them.
Maybe not a popular comment, but it MUST be said: To blame for this madness are first and foremost NOT the cowards at the official/organizational levels of these sports, NOT the pitiful, perverse and/or cyncial transwhatevers (men) whose motivation is to hurt and humiliate women and get into women's showers ... NO ... the real blame needs to be assigned to all members of the public who find this disgusting and insanely unjust but STILL follow these teams and leagues, STILL attend games and so on. If people are really outraged, then organize and sustain a total boycott of every such league and sports body. No attendance, no T-shirt and coffee mug purchases, no bumper stickers, no NOTHING! Purge the whole thing from your life like you would a poison. Let the dishonorable degenerates and their promoters and profiteers play by themselves in a shrunken and ignored sport. See how long they even have a league if decent people STAND UP!
Totally agree and I got attacked for saying the same thing. The only way to end this, imo, is to hurt the wallets. I'm tired of too many people not being willing to be inconvenienced in the slightest in order to make changes. Cut off the funds and they will disperse.
Yeah, right ... what can stop it is so obvious, becomes maddening that so many people ... don't know ... want change but are unwilling to sacrifice anything to get it. This is not an insignificant problem, like a zoning dispute in civil court or something. Talking about life and death of our civilization.
Absolutely! It is that serious. No embellishment whatsoever. And not forgetting the promotion and influence of this ideology worldwide. Although it’s strongest chokehold grip is in the West.
Thank you! After I posted it, I wondered if I was not being overly dramatic, after all, topic is football ... but I stand by it. The sports madness is just one symptom of it, but what IS threatening our civilization is the dark energy driving the madness. Because ultimately, if men are women, and women are men ... then there are neither men nor women. Then there remains only the blood-chilling laughter of Satan, satisfied that we have tried to be God and thus destroyed ourselves. But God will not be mocked, and He will come in glory to judge the living and the dead. This I believe 🙏
I hear you and no you were not being dramatic at all. You were simply stating a truth and in fact some truths are justifiably dramatic due to the circumstances and real state of emergency. I stand 100% by what you said.
I could not agree more with every word that you stated, the reasoning and conclusion. This is a spiritual battle, make no mistake about it. This is but one iteration of Satan’s devices used to attack. We are in spiritual warfare. Literally.
‘Then there remains only the blood-chilling laughter of Satan, satisfied that we have tried to be God and thus destroyed ourselves. But God will not be mocked, and He will come in glory to judge the living and the dead. This I believe 🙏’
I concur on 'spectator sports' but what about women's changing rooms at public pools or public bathrooms or in prisons where women are now being raped and even impregnated by the precious and protected 'trans baby Hueys'?
With the advanced decadence of our societies, people have lost fear of consequences for their actions, no fear of parents, of teachers, of the police and courts, and no fear even of Almighty God. Because "intellectuals" moved beyond primitive superstitions (religion) and brutality (righteous punishment) ... and taught that fear is always bad, that fear is unhealthy, unnecessary, destructive. This state of affairs will not be corrected by elections, by the next "messiah" candidate, not by protest marches, nor "mental health" professionals, social workers, more taxpayer funding for ludicrous "social programs" etc etc. With the help of the Almighty, people will soon learn to fear again, to fear HIM and his infinite power. There must be severe punishment once again.
As painful as it would be for the women involved - this is a point where solidarity could turn the tide. The next step could be EVERY women officially quitting this league and signing a joint statement about EXACTLY "why" they feel compelled to do so. Who in their right mind thinks for even a moment that this makes any sense whatsoever? Biological men injuring biological women "for sport."
None of it makes any sense because it comes from a very dark place: evil.
Personal injury, negligence and discrimination laws exist specifically to protect people from situations like this but they are all pushed aside as if they don’t exist to accommodate the hurriedly drafted and conflicting laws that support the cult of transgenderism. Falsely marketed as an ‘oppressed minority’ (the victim narrative). A minority of what though? Deviancy and perversion by a majority of fetishists within that minority? And the rest of the minority made up of their vulnerable and indoctrinated true victims, including children.
Kudos to these 24 women. You ladies have got to do this en mass. Tell these woke, deranged, insane castrati and their enabler apologists to get stuffed, until it's coming our of their ears.
Just walk away and leave these idiots on the fields, in the pools and on the stages by themselves. The associations and conferences will not last long, when fan support quickly withers. After all who the hell is going to sit and watch the absurdity of a bunch of men in women's sports tops and bottoms competing against one another. The only legitimacy that is inferred on their BS farce is when women agree to compete along side them.
I've often said, had the female college swimmers, in the American NCAA schools told the officials (who rake in millions) to "fuck women will get in a pool until biological men are banned from being on women's teams", that particular sport would have been saved and cleaned up, in months if not weeks. These organizations, conferences and school understand only one
It's time to start playing hard ball girls. Walk away. Find those women who can start leagues and conferences of your own and put these woke bastards out of business. I guarantee that the crowds that come to those new, women only competitions will be immense, solely based on support for you and backlash against those who are intent on perverting everything in your collective societies.
As insane (literally) as these idiots are, who'd happily take a set of pruning shears to their own twig and bits to prove their womanhood, the diabolically evil, societal annihilators who push this ideological chite, (especially on the children) are a million times worse and need to be fed to the hogs or an industrial chipper/shredder, I can't decide which.
It's going to take all natural females to rebuke this in sports by walking away and it's a shame but if the tranny-fiasco must go on...let the trannies go against their fellow trannies aka MEN.
Even a straggly, string-bean of a guy could still beat me in strength. They have different muscle mass.
Allowing Bruce Jenner become woman of the year with his ridiculous photo-shopping and tuck game should have been the warning shot but nooooooooo....we all let it slide and here we are and even dipsh*t Bruce is saying man-baby fake women shouldn't be in women's sports. Well, thanks so much, d00sh nozzle!
But as I zoom out and remove my triggered feelings....I'm reminded of karma and these dolts taking female hormones which are unnatural to the male body will in the end give them all kinds of horrific ailments. Ta-ta, nozzles of le douche'!
It's up to the real women who participate in sports to stand up for themselves, and other female athletes.
Why are the real women participating on this team when they know it's unfair and that other women are being hurt? You tolerate all that because they are 'winning'? It's reprehensible.
If real women refused to play in their respective spots, this travesty would end immediately!
If the choices currently available to teams In the league are play and risk serious injury, or don't and face disciplinary action, I suggest they all register 11 of the burliest, most stereotypically 'male' blokes they can find, and only play them when they're up against The Flying Bats.
Something tells me the appeal of women's football will diminish rapidly for the five guys on that team once they start getting steamrolled every week.
I learned in karate class when I was a kid that a kick to the side of knee was outlawed in competition sparring because it can result in a really bad injury. Just an anecdote, apropos of nothing. Nothing at all.
As long as the invented, incoherent 'gender identity' is force-teamed and constantly yoked with sexual orientation when we all know they're two different things these men are going to usurp women's sex-based rights and opportunities and spaces. 'Gender identity' is BS, sex was and should always be the primary category. Men cannot be allowed to 'identify' out of their sex-class and into women's sex-class if this travesty is going to be stopped. My hope is that lawsuits will stop insurers from taking on these risks so no coverage for these activities in which increased risk makes avoidable incidents more likely.
World Aquatics’ Swimming World Cup had to cancel events held for trans athletes after no entrants registered at the tournament in Berlin in 2023. They don’t want their own events, they want to beat women. They are men larping at being women; they have no right to invade our safe spaces, our language and our sports. They disgust me.
These are males who hate women and they are supported by their fellow misogynists, the women who hold males on a pedestal and worship them.
The submissive ‘handmaidens’.
It's about domination of women.
They disgust me as well! Lying, cheating and just plain mean!
I would like the evidence for the claim that men playing in womens teams ( and presumably undressing and showering in the female changing rooms) has been a thing for twenty years. Because it’s odd that none of the female players seem to have noticed until recently.
Oh revisionism! Blessed tool of the totalitarian throughout the ages.
The answer is to ask them, so if women had objected 20 years ago they wouldn't have been T3RF n@zis?
Well put! And lying..lots of lying!
This is truly Orwellian. To be accused of discrimination because you a woman refuse to have your body injured by a man.
The injured women should take these pigs to court for deliberate bofily harm.
Last time I looked, seemed like "judges" worthy of the title are becoming rare indeed. Increasingly they defend criminals and treat the criminals as victims, release them with a slap on the wrist, even for violent assaults, rape, molestation and and and. Decent people who cannot stomach it anymore are going to have to unite and engage in this struggle on the strength of their own honor and convictions, our "democratic institutions" have failed us. After covid, would anyone seriously disagree with that?
Actually judges have been really useful for stemming the T tide eg Forstatter case and Bell case in UK. As long as they've got decent laws to work with
Thank you for your comment, Petula. I needed to hear it. There still are good judges out there, of course. And I have to assume since the very first judges existed there have been those who were corrupt, incompetent, used their positions to support their chosen causes, regardless of whether right or wrong. The other thing is our dependence on news media, and even on Substack, Twitter etc., to know what is really happening out there. Extreme happenings always get the most publicity, and good news is ignored. This is deliberate. But overall, I think it is high time for people everywhere to begin taking a long, hard look at judges and the tremendous power they have to shape our nations and societies. I am not a Trump supporter, not a Biden supporter (!!!!) support no political party, neither Democrat nor Republican. But just look at what is happening in the American "justice system", where judges are using their positions to not only stop but destroy a political candidate (Donald Trump). This is extremism destabilizing a nation, and it is being done directly by "judges", many appointed and not elected (important). What we would expect to see in a banana republic or dictatorship. They are not even pretending to be impartial. I've been preoccupied lately with this whole topic of the judiciary, don't know enough about it yet, but find myself wondering if the combined power of our judges is even FAR greater than that of elected politicians or even heads of state. One more rabbit hole for this pessimist to fall into :) :)
I know. I thought I was misreading.
For Orwellian try the "eSafety" commission demanding that this very Substack remove its articles covering this matter. Courts will be the place this insanity starts to unravel, but it will be detransitioners suing for millions rather than sportswomen. That avalanche is already on the way.
And hopefully the tide will turn away from this insanity of trans .
And it IS deliberate harm ! No decent man would do what these jerks do!
And/or complain to international human rights bodies
Nothing less than disgusting & disgraceful treatment of the women’s teams in the name of so-called fairness & anti-discrimination. Aussie women should unite & refuse to play en masse; they can’t ignore all of you. Will post this on X. Thank you, Genevieve.
Absolutely! I’ve been saying the same for so long. Women need to stop engaging en masse and if push comes to shove, consider creating our own competitions (keep an eye on the Giggle v Tickle case in regards to this related issue). Sometimes we have to temporarily suffer by taking 10 steps backwards to gain 50 steps forwards.
Trans identified people/regulatory bodies need to create trans categories, in pursuance of fairness and justice within sports, given that trans identified men are just that ie men role-playing as women for their own individual reasons that should not impact sports competitions and/or other people’s lives.
Women boycotting/self-excluding would financially affect everyone in the chain of benefit and the negative impact would soon change policies and laws. Sports bodies and sponsors only listen when they are actually seriously affected. Especially financially. Women actually do hold the power in this but it has to be as a mass group.
How these particular men don’t feel thoroughly embarrassed or ashamed to put women and girls in this position only points to the spirit of the core narcissism and misogyny that is operating within them.
Or recruit some big brawny blokes to identify as women an play on their side. Maybe then the FBs would get the picture
Maybe not a popular comment, but it MUST be said: To blame for this madness are first and foremost NOT the cowards at the official/organizational levels of these sports, NOT the pitiful, perverse and/or cyncial transwhatevers (men) whose motivation is to hurt and humiliate women and get into women's showers ... NO ... the real blame needs to be assigned to all members of the public who find this disgusting and insanely unjust but STILL follow these teams and leagues, STILL attend games and so on. If people are really outraged, then organize and sustain a total boycott of every such league and sports body. No attendance, no T-shirt and coffee mug purchases, no bumper stickers, no NOTHING! Purge the whole thing from your life like you would a poison. Let the dishonorable degenerates and their promoters and profiteers play by themselves in a shrunken and ignored sport. See how long they even have a league if decent people STAND UP!
Totally agree and I got attacked for saying the same thing. The only way to end this, imo, is to hurt the wallets. I'm tired of too many people not being willing to be inconvenienced in the slightest in order to make changes. Cut off the funds and they will disperse.
Yeah, right ... what can stop it is so obvious, becomes maddening that so many people ... don't know ... want change but are unwilling to sacrifice anything to get it. This is not an insignificant problem, like a zoning dispute in civil court or something. Talking about life and death of our civilization.
Absolutely! It is that serious. No embellishment whatsoever. And not forgetting the promotion and influence of this ideology worldwide. Although it’s strongest chokehold grip is in the West.
Thank you! After I posted it, I wondered if I was not being overly dramatic, after all, topic is football ... but I stand by it. The sports madness is just one symptom of it, but what IS threatening our civilization is the dark energy driving the madness. Because ultimately, if men are women, and women are men ... then there are neither men nor women. Then there remains only the blood-chilling laughter of Satan, satisfied that we have tried to be God and thus destroyed ourselves. But God will not be mocked, and He will come in glory to judge the living and the dead. This I believe 🙏
I hear you and no you were not being dramatic at all. You were simply stating a truth and in fact some truths are justifiably dramatic due to the circumstances and real state of emergency. I stand 100% by what you said.
I could not agree more with every word that you stated, the reasoning and conclusion. This is a spiritual battle, make no mistake about it. This is but one iteration of Satan’s devices used to attack. We are in spiritual warfare. Literally.
‘Then there remains only the blood-chilling laughter of Satan, satisfied that we have tried to be God and thus destroyed ourselves. But God will not be mocked, and He will come in glory to judge the living and the dead. This I believe 🙏’
Thank you. May God bless and protect you always!
I concur on 'spectator sports' but what about women's changing rooms at public pools or public bathrooms or in prisons where women are now being raped and even impregnated by the precious and protected 'trans baby Hueys'?
With the advanced decadence of our societies, people have lost fear of consequences for their actions, no fear of parents, of teachers, of the police and courts, and no fear even of Almighty God. Because "intellectuals" moved beyond primitive superstitions (religion) and brutality (righteous punishment) ... and taught that fear is always bad, that fear is unhealthy, unnecessary, destructive. This state of affairs will not be corrected by elections, by the next "messiah" candidate, not by protest marches, nor "mental health" professionals, social workers, more taxpayer funding for ludicrous "social programs" etc etc. With the help of the Almighty, people will soon learn to fear again, to fear HIM and his infinite power. There must be severe punishment once again.
Exactly! 🎯
What a bloody joke sure keep on pretending while women keep getting hurt utterly moronic and utter cowardice of ‘management’
As painful as it would be for the women involved - this is a point where solidarity could turn the tide. The next step could be EVERY women officially quitting this league and signing a joint statement about EXACTLY "why" they feel compelled to do so. Who in their right mind thinks for even a moment that this makes any sense whatsoever? Biological men injuring biological women "for sport."
None of it makes any sense because it comes from a very dark place: evil.
Personal injury, negligence and discrimination laws exist specifically to protect people from situations like this but they are all pushed aside as if they don’t exist to accommodate the hurriedly drafted and conflicting laws that support the cult of transgenderism. Falsely marketed as an ‘oppressed minority’ (the victim narrative). A minority of what though? Deviancy and perversion by a majority of fetishists within that minority? And the rest of the minority made up of their vulnerable and indoctrinated true victims, including children.
The Flying Bats need to be renamed to the Cheating Rats!
Kudos to these 24 women. You ladies have got to do this en mass. Tell these woke, deranged, insane castrati and their enabler apologists to get stuffed, until it's coming our of their ears.
Just walk away and leave these idiots on the fields, in the pools and on the stages by themselves. The associations and conferences will not last long, when fan support quickly withers. After all who the hell is going to sit and watch the absurdity of a bunch of men in women's sports tops and bottoms competing against one another. The only legitimacy that is inferred on their BS farce is when women agree to compete along side them.
I've often said, had the female college swimmers, in the American NCAA schools told the officials (who rake in millions) to "fuck women will get in a pool until biological men are banned from being on women's teams", that particular sport would have been saved and cleaned up, in months if not weeks. These organizations, conferences and school understand only one
It's time to start playing hard ball girls. Walk away. Find those women who can start leagues and conferences of your own and put these woke bastards out of business. I guarantee that the crowds that come to those new, women only competitions will be immense, solely based on support for you and backlash against those who are intent on perverting everything in your collective societies.
The problem is that the Ts will demand entry to the new leagues ... and so on. This is why so much hinges on Tickle v Giggle
Tell these woke, deranged, insane castrati and their enabler apologists…’
Lol… That’s exactly who they are. The ‘insane castrati’ had me on the floor!😂
As insane (literally) as these idiots are, who'd happily take a set of pruning shears to their own twig and bits to prove their womanhood, the diabolically evil, societal annihilators who push this ideological chite, (especially on the children) are a million times worse and need to be fed to the hogs or an industrial chipper/shredder, I can't decide which.
I agree!
It's going to take all natural females to rebuke this in sports by walking away and it's a shame but if the tranny-fiasco must go on...let the trannies go against their fellow trannies aka MEN.
Even a straggly, string-bean of a guy could still beat me in strength. They have different muscle mass.
Allowing Bruce Jenner become woman of the year with his ridiculous photo-shopping and tuck game should have been the warning shot but nooooooooo....we all let it slide and here we are and even dipsh*t Bruce is saying man-baby fake women shouldn't be in women's sports. Well, thanks so much, d00sh nozzle!
But as I zoom out and remove my triggered feelings....I'm reminded of karma and these dolts taking female hormones which are unnatural to the male body will in the end give them all kinds of horrific ailments. Ta-ta, nozzles of le douche'!
I would rather see women stay and fight then cede the ground to men
It's up to the real women who participate in sports to stand up for themselves, and other female athletes.
Why are the real women participating on this team when they know it's unfair and that other women are being hurt? You tolerate all that because they are 'winning'? It's reprehensible.
If real women refused to play in their respective spots, this travesty would end immediately!
Talk about discrimination against biological women predators make the most of it whilst you can.
Maybe they want their own team, you know, a men in dresses team. Drive away all the real women just by your leg breaking manly presence.
If the choices currently available to teams In the league are play and risk serious injury, or don't and face disciplinary action, I suggest they all register 11 of the burliest, most stereotypically 'male' blokes they can find, and only play them when they're up against The Flying Bats.
Something tells me the appeal of women's football will diminish rapidly for the five guys on that team once they start getting steamrolled every week.
I learned in karate class when I was a kid that a kick to the side of knee was outlawed in competition sparring because it can result in a really bad injury. Just an anecdote, apropos of nothing. Nothing at all.
As long as the invented, incoherent 'gender identity' is force-teamed and constantly yoked with sexual orientation when we all know they're two different things these men are going to usurp women's sex-based rights and opportunities and spaces. 'Gender identity' is BS, sex was and should always be the primary category. Men cannot be allowed to 'identify' out of their sex-class and into women's sex-class if this travesty is going to be stopped. My hope is that lawsuits will stop insurers from taking on these risks so no coverage for these activities in which increased risk makes avoidable incidents more likely.