The man can feel offended all he wants,he will still be a man,all day,everyday.

I'm past accepting people being ostracised for TELLING THE TRUTH.

I won't live in a world where lies are the prize,nope.

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Thank you Genevieve Gluck for your well researched report. These exposes are badly needed.

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This man, who is a sexual pervert and also a sex predator (we can see that this man is not just a pervert, but a predator, because of his behavior, which involves pressuring people to allow him to watch women and girls change and to expose himself to women and girls) should be sent to a (men’s) prison for constantly harassing and attempting to sexually abuse women and girls. The fact that in some countries, it is now a crime or fireable offense to try to stop sex crimes is….literally insane.

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Stomach-turning. Thank you for your incredible work, Genevieve.

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Open the door and look at what comes through ....

Has any mainstream media reported on this? the perception is only about 5-10% of people care about these issues but if a mainstream newspaper ran a series on people like this and the broader gender medical experiments things would change rapidly.

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The mainstream media is Australia is always careful to paint trans activists in the best possible light and the gender critical side as right wing, ultra- conservative and anti-trans. They would never publish stuff like this, unfortunately. If you do mention it, people find it hard to believe and you end up sounding unhinged.

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Yes Australia, like most places perhaps, seems to have that hegemonic media where 'the official line' is plastered over all available outlets with zero alternative voices. The public for their part tends to swallow it up as far as I can tell, though you'd know better than I.

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Same in NZ. And couldn’t agree more about sounding “unhinged”. But I don’t think we’re the ones who are unhinged…

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Imagine suing for loss of 'honor'. I guess he's proud of what he does.

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GG, thanks for your work on these troons.

The women being sued for speaking truth ie IT'S A MAN, are risking so much to tell this truth for all of us who want this absurdity to end. I admire and commend them all for their courage and affirmation of REALITY.

May the Trans Agenda come to ruin soon.

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Is there a crowdfunding campaign to help her pay for this lawfare harassment?

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Yes, a GoFundMe of hers, mentioned in the article.

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Thank you! I see it now.

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Going forward, the legal system and Lawfare will be the bent tool to relieve people of their cash and assets - and send a clear signal to anyone even ‘thinking’ about calling this dangerous nonsense out.

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Progressive lawyers are clearly part of the problem. They spend a lot of time around creeps because no-one else will defend them. Then they attempt to defend the indefensible, because they get paid either way. Remember Tony Blair arguing that Iraq War II was 'legal', even though it was clearly immoral?

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And so another deeply disturbed man gets to further demonstrate his innate maleness with bullying and control behaviours

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I have no language to express my horror at this account

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Is anybody else sick to death of this entire fad? I never want to hear another word about sissies, trans, top surgery, bottom surgery, pronouns, men in women’s prisons/sports/locker rooms/fitting rooms/clubs etc. I’d like to see women leave men’s spaces alone too, e.g., Boy Scouts, Elks Clubs, professional men’s organizations, etc. the entire LGBT circus can go to hell. Utterly fed up with all of it.

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I see a man. So does everyone else. If you say you don't, you're lying.

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I see a male, but hardly a man.

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Fuck trans pronouns address them as xx or xy

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it weird how they freak out about a woman sharing some man’s creepy fetish photos to prove a point but when woman for years have been trying to get the government to take serious the issue of men sharing their girlfriends nudes without permission.

like many things this who trans rights is about men, trying to expand their rights, puting their feelings over woman’s safety

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Danes are #ucked



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