This is the narrative of an adult male who, with the encouragement of netizens on Reddit, went from a crossdressing fetish to transitioning within a year, as told in his own words.
Along the way, he began reading the children’s book I Am Jazz to his five year-old son, who subsequently began to mimic his father’s behavior. Rather than coming to the natural conclusion that the child was acting out what his father was doing, he decided instead that being ‘transgender’ is in his DNA. He claims to have enrolled his son, now six years old, in a camp for transgender youth.
One year ago, “Elsie” posted to r/MTF about feeling “arousal when dressing up”, saying “I’m starting to think this isn’t a trans thing… I think it’s a bottom / sub thing.”
Both “bottom” and “sub” (submissive) refer to sexual positions and behaviors. They are terms used in pornography, especially BDSM. In forced feminization pornography, for example, a man is ostensibly ‘forced’ to become a woman through the wearing of lingerie and high heels, and is forced to perform acts of sexual submission. This in turn defines womanhood as the reception of degrading sexual acts.
“When I first started dressing up I experienced a lot of arousal as a result,” Elsie claims, and only two months later, projects this sexual fetish onto his 5 year-old son.
“Since I came out to them, they’ve told me a few times that they feel like a girl, too. I wasn’t sure if they were just copying me or it goes deeper, so I always just affirmed that they get to be whoever they are and didn’t make a big deal of it.”
“I’m pretty convinced that I’ve got a mutation in how I process sex hormones, so it wouldn’t be surprising if I passed it on.”
What five year-old boy doesn’t want to be like his father? This child is clearly imitating his father and showing approval-seeking behavior. The message being sent is that if a boy likes sparkles, or the color pink, he must be in the wrong body. That is an example of rigid sex role stereotyping.
In a little over a year, Elsie goes from crossdressing for arousal to taking hormones, to getting what is called “gender confirmation surgery”.
As the estradiol shifts the redistribution of fat in his body, he begins to wonder if this will upset his wife, who he describes as having “only a flicker of female attraction.”
“Maybe it’s that I don’t feel worthy of having something so wonderful? Or that I’m appropriating something from ‘Real Women*’?
*Just to be clear, I’m using those words to sarcastically express my self-invalidating emotions. My rational brain is completely sure that trans women are women.”
It is not the rational mind that insists a man can actually change sex and become woman. Any attempt to do so is appropriation and reduces women to a set of sexualized stereotypes. In another post titled “I have girl skin!”, Elsie claims to be “squealing and dancing in delight”.
“Objectification is largely accomplished by a process of fragmentation,” writes Janice Raymond in her brilliant and much-maligned book The Transsexual Empire. “The fetish is the fragmented part taken away from the whole. It represents an attempt to grasp the whole. For example, breasts and legs in our society are fetish objects containing the essence of femaleness. Thus the fetish contains and by containing controls.”
Elsie describes “euphoria”, a euphemism found on Reddit transgender forums that typically refers to sexual arousal.
Somehow, Elsie convinces his wife to go to lesbian bars with him, where he has “so much fun shamelessly flirting”.
Elsie describes a spike in sexual arousal after “gender confirmation surgery” (GCS) which “can be caused so easily by dilation”.
“My libido is through the roof! I feel like a teenage girl… all the women are so friggin hot and I just want…”
Here Elsie is sexualizing young girls. There is so much that is wrong with this. Having been a teenage girl myself, the experience was not one of constant arousal, but of awkwardly navigating friendships and schoolwork while beginning to become aware of the ways both boys and grown men looked at my body, an experience that far too many girls share in common.
This incident is titled “Dodged a bullet” because it took place at a summer camp for trans kids where he has enrolled his six-year old son.
He exposes his genitals to his 4 year-old son “to resolve the fixation on what I have down there”.
It seems obvious that it is not the child who is fixated on genitals. Fixation is a form of fetishization. Merriam-Webster defines a fetish as:
“an object or bodily part whose real or fantasied presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification and that is an object of fixation to the extent that it may interfere with complete sexual expression.”
We have no way of knowing how many other instances of so-called “transgender children” are in actuality fronts for the sexual proclivities of a father; though in every case, the claim that a child is “born in the wrong body” is an adult projection.
Stephanie Davies-Arai of Transgender Trend has spoken extensively on this topic. “Children have no fixed innate ‘identity;’ children’s identities are in process of being built through interaction with environmental influences, without which identity cannot develop. ‘Social transition’ then is nothing short of indoctrination into a trans identity.”
There is simply no such thing as a transsexual child. Transsexualism was, until recently, overwhelmingly a middle-aged male phenomenon. The inclusion of women and children obfuscates the paraphilia-driven motivation of certain men who fetishize every aspect of female existence. In this unfortunate example, a little boy is being used to normalize the sexual proclivities of his father. This has to stop.
It really sucks what he's done to his family. I wonder if his wife wants to leave?
This is far worse than physical sexual molestation. He needs to die.