Pornography and Male Supremacy was first published in an anthology of speeches and essays by Andrea Dworkin, Letters from a War Zone, 1988.
Read by Elly Arrow
"Feminists are often asked whether pornography causes rape. The fact is that rape and prostitution caused and continue to cause pornography. Politically, culturally, socially, sexually, and economically, rape and prostitution generated pornography; and pornography depends for its continued existence on the rape and prostitution of women.
The word pornography comes from the ancient Greek porne and graphos: it means "the graphic depiction of whores." Porne means "whore," specifically the lowest class of whore, which in ancient Greece was the brothel slut available to all male citizens. There were distinct classes of prostitutes in ancient Greece: the porne was the sexual cow. She was, simply and clearly and absolutely, a sexual slave. Graphos means "writing, etching, or drawing. The whores called porneia were captive in brothels, which were designated as such by huge phalluses painted on or constructed near the door. They were not allowed out, were never educated, were barely dressed, and in general were miserably treated; they were the sexual garbage of Greek society.
Wives were kept in nearly absolute isolation, allowed the company of slaves and young children only. High-class prostitutes, a class distinct from the porneia and from wives both, had the only freedom of movement accorded women, and were the only educated women. Two very significant words originated in the ancient Greece many of us revere: democracy and pornography. Democracy from its beginnings excluded all women and some men. Pornography from its beginnings justified and promoted this exclusion of all women by presenting the sexuality of all women as the sexuality of the brothel slut. The brothel slut and the sexuality of the brothel slut had been stolen and sold — raped and prostituted; and the rape and prostitution of that captive and degraded being with her captive and degraded sexuality is precisely the sexual content of pornography. In pornography, the will of the chattel whore is synonymous with her function: she is purely for sex and her function is defined as her nature and her will.”
If you are interested in recording a speech, essay, or excerpt from a text, please send your audio file in .wav format to:
This is just a small announcement to say that I am presently preparing and will be doing a post on Friday on the subject of pornography.
Paul wrote, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” When we believe in Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord, over time our life is meant to be transformed, so that we can be like Christ. However, the sad reality is that pornography has a vice-like grip on us.
59% of pastors said that married men seek their help for porn use.
57% of pastors say porn addiction is the most damaging issue in their congregation. 69% say porn has adversely impacted the church.
May I suggest these figures are on the low side, as members are too ashamed to come forward for help and pastors don’t want to say that their church is being impacted.
However, the Good News of Jesus Christ, the gospel message for us today, is that we can find freedom from the bondage of pornography.
I will be repeating this announcement on Wednesday.
I hope you will find the post worthwhile. God bless you and have a great day. Robert